We both agreed that this is the only treatment left open to me, as I have a low anal resting pressure.
He was really great.... Took the time to listen to me, explained everything again, in fine detail... Including diagrams! Acknowledged the fact I may have hypermobility syndrome, and fragile skin... And was prepared to cut and stitch me super carefully to give me the best chance to heal.
The waiting list is around 8 weeks.... And I have a holiday booked mid June..... So I'm thinking it will be done early July.
He said he would keep me in for a couple of days complete bed rest to give the flap the best chance of adhering with no disturbance... Then I was to rest up for 2 weeks ideally... With no sitting.
I'm feeling much happier about having the procedure done now.... And I hope with all my heart this is the answer for me and gets rid of the ghastly fissure for good.
Oh.... And he is going to do something with the mountain range too ( my hemmy s!!)
Fingers crossed I can hold out on an even keel till then!!