For women only! First period after surgery!

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For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby ChaosTree » 09 May 2017, 07:59

For the women who have done the surgery (I had both LIS & sentinel pile removal) how did you handle your first period after surgery?

To use tampons or not to use? That is the question!

I usually use pads and tampons both for my periods.

I was lucky I had my surgery just after my last period so I have had time to heal without problems for three weeks but my time of the month is arriving fast.

I might have some undiagnosed pelvic floor muscle issues- sligth vaginismus ect.

I really couldn't use tampons without pain for the first ten-twelve years I had my period and have been using them regularily only for the last three years or so. And even now applying them without problems or pain is always a 50/50% chance. My pelvic muscles tense up without my say so.

Sometimes I can apply them without problems and without any pain. Other times my pelvic muscles just tense up and applying tampons without pain or at all is impossible. Then I just use pads and wait an hour or two to try apply the tampon again, and then I can do it without an issue.

It would be easy to just use pads only this time but my problem is that I was prescribed and told to to use diltiazem cream after the surgery- to apply it 3 times a day. So using only pads for my period & applying the cream to my ass, sounds messy and not such a good idea.

On the other hand using tampons after the surgery when I know my pelvic floor muscles easily tense up doesn't seem like a great idea either, but it would make using the diltiazem salve easier and not as messy.

So women what have you done?

I am leaning in using tampons this time because not using the diltiazem cream for a whole week doesn't sound good for the wound healing.

Any advice!?!?!?
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Re: For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby ResMePlz » 09 May 2017, 08:42

I'm totally not a women, but I can offer this: My doctor said nothing about still using the Diltiazem cream after surgery, so I doubt it would hurt anything to stop the healing process. The point of the surgery was to relax the muscle like the cream, so I'm sure it's just a double whammy just to be safe. I haven't used it and I'm healing fine per the doctor, so I'm gonna say it won't hurt anything.
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Re: For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby Bum_UK » 09 May 2017, 08:53

I will follow this post as I'm a woman and I'll have LIS and hemorrhoid banding on the 23rd. My period is due around a week and a half later.

I would say use pads. I can't see why using the diltiazem with pads should be an issue. Use baby wipes to clear the area before you apply the cream and it should be fine.
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Re: For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby ChaosTree » 11 May 2017, 01:32

A couple of hours after posting this Aunt Flow came to visit 3 days early.

The first day and night I used pads only. Tampons would have been absolutely impossible with that tension I had.

And the cramping! OMG I had forgotten what bad menstrual cramping felt like. I have had bad strong menstrual cramping about five times in my entire life, so they are a rarity. The first night was one among the bad ones.

I was just so tense, couldn't find a good position to sleep in at night. Took a paracetamol and it started to kick in about four hours in. Considering I took one and was still in pain I don't want to even think in how much pain I would have been without the painkiller.

While the pain post surgery has been quite minimal for me, only the 24-48 hour mark were what I would consider mediumly painful, the first night of my period took the cake.

Since my body has a habbit of tensing up on the first day of my period I think this time I also felt all the inner bruising and swelling that is still going on post surgery. So it made for a brutal night for me.

Day two and three of my period have been quite easy and my body is relaxed, so I have been using both pads and tampons without trouble. No pain at all. And since I can use trampons I have also been able to use the cream without trouble.
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Re: For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby Kv12 » 25 May 2017, 10:05

I had LIS, fistula and tag removal last night all accompanied by day 2 of period. I'm home recovering now but feel yucky and was thinking of using a tampon instead of a pad. Do you think it's the wrong thing to do?
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Re: For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby ChaosTree » 25 May 2017, 10:53

I wouldn't dare to use tampons so soon after the surgery, purely because of the post surgery swelling.

The first week (actually two weeks) I was super swollen and using tampons would have been impossible.

Week three the swelling went down considerably, that was the only reason why I was even considering using tampons. Then again I have some undiagnosed pelvic floor issues (I tense up) so using tampons for me has always been hard, even without the surgery.

If you really want to use them, then perhaps just try, but don't force the tampons in if you discover the swelling from surgery is too great.

But yeah, so soon after the surgery it does sound like a bad idea to me, but I am thinking this purely from knowing my own body.

Perhaps there are others in the forum who do have experience where they used tampons so soon after the surgery? Hopefully they would chime in.
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Re: For women only! First period after surgery!

Postby Kv12 » 25 May 2017, 11:46

Thanks Chaos. Just had a shower and feel much better. I can't find a comfortable position to lie in at the moment.
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