Does anyone have any experience with GTN cream and breastfeeding?
My situation: Gave birth in August, I'm now 5 months in with my fissure (caused due to breastfeeding constipation), after a recent rectoscopy I've increased my lactulose from 15ml once per day to 30ml 3 x per day, and I am continuing to use lidocain numbing gel daily (used since November)
I'm still experiencing light bleeding every couple of bm's (this is a huge improvement to the initial heavy bleeding everyday) also I still have enough pain to make it difficult to relax, I continue to spasm despite my best attempts to breath. The stool tips remain hard, once they are past the rest of the stool is soft, quick and ok to pass.
Ultimately the fissure not healing with just lactulose. The Doctor said the next stage is to use GTN to force the muscle to relax, however he insisted due to lack of research I would have to stop breastfeeding if I use GTN cream.
I had intended to continue breastfeeding my baby until 1 year but I also need to heal ASAP as I am returning to work next month and cannot deal with this issue any longer.
Do I have to admit defeat and put my health before my desire to continue breastfeeding? Or do I risk my baby, and continue to breastfeed whilst trying the GTN cream?
The doctor did say the 3rd step is botox, and he would not do this if I was still breastfeeding anyway.