had botox injections and a skin tag removal

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Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby msimon » 09 Dec 2015, 15:42

I guess everyone is different. That's the first I have heard that relation and I never had that problem myself. Guess that's not the painkiller for you. Hope there is something else that will work for you.
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Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 12 Dec 2015, 17:56

overall i'm fine in the sense the surgery pain is over but i'm just concerned that now i've started to get constipated. sigh.
it wasn't the ibuprofen, because i stopped taking them for 2/3 days and today i was constipated, but fortunately no pain, just a LOT of bleeding. i have no idea why i've got constipation. the only difference in my diet is drinking more water than i did before.
i wasn't never even this constipated pre surgery. at most it would be a hard stool at the beginning.
i can't afford another tear. UGH feel like screaming.
Deleted User 4536

Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby msimon » 12 Dec 2015, 20:59

I forget, have you tried milk of magnesia?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
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Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 12 Dec 2015, 21:14

have never tried it, but i have it at home. says take 6-9 5ml spoons for constipation - that seems like way too much. i have already had a magnesium 375mg tablet. is it safe to take that much magnesium in a day
Deleted User 4536

Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby msimon » 12 Dec 2015, 23:05

Weird dosage indeed. The one I have here says to take 2-4 tablespoonfulls (30-60ml total), so I guess it's not that much then. I only ever take up to one tablespoon but I also take magnesium everyday. I suppose it's only as dangerous as diarrhea can be (like loss of electrolytes and such). I think you could start slow and see how you do...
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
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Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby ouchie25 » 16 Dec 2015, 08:34

Hey whatsherface!

I just had Botox and skin tag removal too last week, however unlike you my fissure pre surgery was no where near healed!

How are you going so far with your healing coming up to the 2 week mark??
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Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 16 Dec 2015, 22:48

well the weird thing is, pre surgery i thought my fissure was no where near healed due to the pain and blood and it being a chronic 4 year+ fissure but both my gp and surgeon had said it was healing, so i guess i'll take their word for it.
things haven't been so great as i got constipated a few days ago. which i believe was from drinking too much water daily (recommended by surgeon). so i cut down on the water and the poo has gone back to normal but the constipation cut me again so i'm still getting a stabbing pain when i poo. i'm just hoping and praying things get better from here. but i am feeling hopeless and scared that this isn't the end.

but it's good to know that i'm not alone. even though of course i would not wish this illness on anyone. so how are you?
Deleted User 4536

Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby ouchie25 » 17 Dec 2015, 00:00

Oh you poor thing! It's always such a guessing game what we should and shouldn't be doing! I feel very hopeless as well, I still have intense stabbing pain with each BM and hours of burning following (which didn't happen pre surgery).

It's still early days into the surgery for the both of us, so hopefully things can only improve!

Keep us updated, hope your bum starts to feel better!
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Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 02 Jan 2016, 00:34

update - been a month and still suffering. i had hope this past week with very little pain during the bms but then a slightly hard bm cut through me today, so another retear again. this is torture!
my check up appointment is in a months time and i was told last time, i was going to be put through to lis surgery if botox didn't work. but i'm very reluctant to go through another surgery when my poo is still unpredictable.
Deleted User 4536

Re: had botox injections and a skin tag removal

Postby ouchie25 » 02 Jan 2016, 03:47

Oh so sorry to hear you're still suffering :( Maybe you could go back to your GP and ask for another softener if Movicol doesn't agree with you? I feel like movicol is what is helping me the most right now to keep things consistent. Also, Rectogesic didn't help me either, but I read in a medical journal that people who had Botox and used the GTN together had better outcome, so it might be worth a try?? Hopfully this is just a little set back, and things start improving again!
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