Had surgery yesterday

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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby Marsh37 » 29 Apr 2010, 06:32

Hey Guys
Im sorry I did not feel like doing to much typing the last couple of days. I have had some really rough days but, they seem to be getting better. I came back to work today (4-29) I am still moving around pretty slow and I am being trying to be careful of what I eat. I know if I do not take the stool softners and miralax I am going to have issues. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good one? I still can not sit for long periods of time and thats what my job consists of sitting for 9hrs. UGG.. I appreciate you all keeping me in your thoughts..I am hoping I can put healed in my status soon... Have a great day Image Image
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 29 Apr 2010, 10:59

Hey Marsha, good to hear that you're back at work --that sounds like it at least represents some level of improvement :)
For stool softeners I've only taken Miralax and docusate sodium. Some people take both at the same time, although I never did. I would think Miralax should be enough though. Maybe you can try a higher dose of Miralax first? I know some people take more than the 17g (one cap full) daily that the instructions suggest.
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 29 Apr 2010, 11:00

P.S. I should mention that I'm one of those people. If I eat something fried or oily, I'll take a little more Miralax to compensate. I've never taken more than 1.5 cap fulls personally but I'm pretty sure some other folks here have taken more.
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Apr 2010, 11:23

Marsh Image - you are doing fantastic !!!! Going to work so soon after such a major surgery !!!!! CONGRATS and may you be pain free COMPLETELY very soon !!!!!
Yes - stay on softeners for many weeks - you need to heal that area !!!!
Unfortunately, different softeners work differently for different people *sigh, so you need to find the one that works good with your digestive system.
My poop is always soft so even the tiniest amount of Milk Of Magnesia is more than enough and Miralax I tried only once and ended going to the bathroom whole day with major diarrhea bout Image - so it is VERY individual !
So - if you do not tend to constipate - Milk of Mag, and Clolace would be sufficient. If you do tend to have hard poop, than definitely try Miralax - so many have fantastic results with it !!!
Best of luck Image
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby mmb0423 » 03 May 2010, 17:19

Hey Marsha, are things getting any better for you yet?
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 04 May 2010, 03:37

Hope things are at least starting to look up Marsha...
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby Marsh37 » 05 May 2010, 07:59

Thank you, I have set backs and thats when I realize I need to slow down. Like today I am feeling some pain and I cant take the pain meds because I am at work... I hope tylenol will help...Have a great day everyone
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby sidra1968 » 05 May 2010, 21:12

Glad to see you doing better...it'll all slowly get better with time!
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 05 May 2010, 23:09

Marsha, glad to see you around again! What kind of work do you do? When I go back to the office I fully plan to keep some narcotic pain meds with me just in case. I just work a desk job so I can always be a little "high" if I need to be in order to kill the pain. I'm already complaining and my procedure was very minor compared to yours, hope the Tylenol is enough...
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Re: Had surgery yesterday

Postby Marsh37 » 06 May 2010, 04:28

I have a desk job I am afraid I would fall asleep if I take anything stronger than tylenol,while I am at work. I am only taking the pain medication if I really need to. Its good to be back moving around and in the swing of things...
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