Just wondering if anyone else has been in the same boat and can offer advice.
Had the LIS on Aug. 16th. Pain decreased over days. However, on day 9 I had a bm that was slightly harder (barely needed to push) and then instantly my dreaded spasms started again. Since then it feels like the fissure pain, although not as bad. Went to the CRS this week and he told me I had pelvic floor problems (levetor ani and would require physical therapy). From internet self diagnosis I already knew this and had gone for about 10 treatments already. However, in July my fissure became so bad I had to discontinue therapy. Turned out that last therapy session fixed my nagging higher up in the rectum pressure sensation for 6 weeks, until this...
So after visit with CRS he tells me that my fissure is NOT healed. I reminded him to be gentle during inspection, but what does he do... totally rips me open. I honestly feel like I am back at square 1 or -1 for that matter. THe fissure pain is not as intense, however the dull nagging pressure higher in the rectum (levetor ani) NEVER leaves me alone. I have to take armytriptalyne just to get sleep (I can't feel anything but rectal pressure when I lie down) and chose to use this cause it is also an antidepressant which I now need from being in chronic pain for almost a year.
So CRS gave me more nifedeprine cream (didn't work for the 12 weeks I used it last time, but maybe he thinks this time will be different, LOL). Told me to come back in six weeks for check up. If fissure is still there he wants to do the LIS again. Has anyone had this done? SHould I worry about incontinence from 2 surgeries? He also mentioned the pelvic floor and told me I could not get therapy until fissure heals. I then said but what if the higher up spasms are causing the fissures? He then said you might be right, but then never offered a solution. I am so scared and frustrated. I have done everything right. Water, metamucil, baths, etc., haven't missed a beat. I've been living in the tub since February! Yesterday, I added magnesium supplements after internet research.
Any advice, similar stories out there?