Hi all, I'm new here, a bit about me, 31 yo male, have had good health overall, but a couple of years ago, I had rectal bleeding. I had a colonoscopy afterwards, and it showed I had a small mass. It was recommended I have it removed surgically under g.a. But I wanted a second opinion, and sought it out.
The second colorectal doc biopsied part of it, which came back benign. That was in January 2012. I had had no bleeding for nearly two years, so I figured I would put off surgery since I had no symptoms.
But in February of this year I began having bleeding with bowel movements again. I have also had this dull aching from my left buttocks which is the same side the polyp/mass is on. I went to another colorectal doc, and he did another colonoscopy. It showed the same small inflammatory polyp/nodule. He removed the eraser-sized polyp 4 weeks ago, and I came in today for my follow-up. He examined me and said there was still drainage and discharge from where the polyp was removed. He said I should have EUA with excism of the inflammatory nodule versus fistuloctomy. He said he thought upon doing the sigmo exam that it was just an inflamed nodule that should be removed, but I need the EUA to resolve it and get to the bottom of it (no pun intended).
I am relieved that it is benign (based on the biopsy of the removed polyp) but a bit worried I am hoping it does turn out to be just a minor thing and not a fistula. Would an abscess cause dull aching buttock discomfort/pain? I have no drainage that I know of, and my gut says it isn't a fistula but not sure until I have the surgery.
The doc told me that the inflammatory polyp he removed which was causing the bleeding was due to the underlying abscess/nodule whatever you want to call it. He said today when he pushed on it it drained pus and it did cause extreme sensitivity to me when he did it (and still is). He also said it bled slightly when he pushed on it.
Not sure why he couldn't have just removed the abscess/nodule when he removed the poly during the colonoscopy, guess it requires a bit more effort or something. He did tell me that my upcoming procedure would probably only take 10-15 minutes. But he said if in fact it is a fistula it could be much more complicated, which scares the hell out of me.
So I am just done with this, and want to get this over with, so I went ahead and scheduled surgery for next week. Has anyone else had an inflammatory nodule or abscess removed, and is it pretty hassle-free? What can I expect?
When I had the polyp removed, I bled slightly with bowel movements after but only the first day after, and pretty much felt recovered by the next day. I'd appreciate any advice/input!