Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

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Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby ketsugaitai » 30 Apr 2016, 10:49

It's been some time since I've posted on this forum. It's been 2 years since I've felt any pain from my internal fissure, and 3 years since I've experienced bleeding.

I can safely say that I'm healed, owing largely to nifedipine-lidocaine compounds my Gastro prescribed for me, better diet, and better bathroom habits.

However, recently, the spot where the fissure was in become irritated after a bowel movement. There was no blood or severe pain, and it went away after about an hour, but it got me worried.

The spot where the fissure was in feels like it has scar tissue, which I'm told isn't as strong or elastic as standard skin/tissue. Will this eventually change overtime? Is there anything I should be doing to promote better strength of that area?
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby Manitourose » 03 May 2016, 14:08

Hi ketsugaitai,

So good to hear you have been doing well! I wish I knew more information about the scar tissue as well, since I too have my own. I suppose the best thing we can do is make sure we are really taking care of ourselves when we feel something different. Up the water intake, be sure to eat well as you said you have done, warm baths and so on. I look forward to seeing if anyone has some insight on this too!
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby Fissurefrustration » 03 May 2016, 17:20

I'm in exactly the same boat. No blood for at least 6 months and classed at healed but scar tissue giving painful sensations after every bm. I've tried to dilate mine but that's made it all worse. My surgeon said it would go away on its own but I'm doubting his theory...
Suffering since June 2013

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GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby volans » 09 Jun 2016, 15:03

I think this may be my problem as well. My fissure occurred 2 and a half years ago but for at least the past year I've had no tearing or blood, just permanent pain in the area; so much so that I can't sit or stand for any significant period of time. And the pain has also extended to my lower back.

I have diltiazem cream to relax the sphincter and when I insert my finger to apply the cream I notice the back of the sphincter has this long rigid line of skin and when I press down on that area it's very irritated. However I've had two colorectal surgeons use an anoscope to check for a fissure and they mentioned nothing about scar tissue.

The fact that i've had this for so long and it has not improved one bit is depressing. I've lost a ton of sensation in my penis and my sex drive is completely diminished. I can only assume a nerve is irritated/entrapped or something.

Is there no way to break up the scar tissue? I've heard switching between heat and cold can help break it up but that's for scar tissue generally, not sure if it would work in this situation.
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby Myitzu » 09 Jun 2016, 17:25

Same problem with me, my doctor told me that it was healed but when I had my first stool comes out, got a pain but not severe pain, just a little, the rest process was fine, but it happened in every my BM. After that I have not pain at all but I did sitz bath for 10 to 15 mins after BM.
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby suzyljank » 10 Jun 2016, 09:45

Hi, it probably is scar tissue. The one thing you need to know about scar tissue is that it really doesn't stretch much at all. After my surgeries I was told to dilate once a day. I didn't like the whole idea but I did it, in fact I still do it. After surgery you have about 2 years to get the fresh scar tissue to stretch a little further, after that it is what it is. I dilate once a day to keep it stretchable but it will never be able to stretch like it did before. The only way to get rid of scar tissue is more surgery and surgery causes scar tissue. You just have to take steps to keep your bms softer, stool softeners like miralax once a day keep bms easy to pass which is a must for me.
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby Kluberman » 07 Aug 2016, 02:52

Hi All, I have had 3 surgeries and the last one which was in Feb 2016 seems to be working, but the scar tissue is surely painful. My job involves working for around 12 hours sitting and it surely sucks. On the weekends it always is resting. really sick and tired that I cannot be really free and do all the activities that I had been doing. I guess once surgery the scar tissue remains a scar one and it does not usually return back to the good old elastic natural state and hence the pain.
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby missy moo » 22 May 2017, 03:36

Did you guys all have lis? Flax seed oil is suppose to be good for scar tissue.
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Re: Healed, but cautious due to scar tissue

Postby Harper05 » 16 Feb 2018, 20:43

@kluberman what surgeries did you have?
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