Hi guys and gals, I'm new to this forum. My name is Gus, 30 years old and live in Belgium.
I've stumbled upon this forum after visiting various of other sites but most of them contained information and messages that were quite old and not so up to date.
I'm going to share my story in the hopes that it might help you with your anal problem. I've suffered from an anal fissure for about 1,5 years. There were periods that i bled severly going to the toilet, the feeling of glass shards passing my anus was the worst feeling i've ever experienced but there also were periods feeling nothing at all, I think that my fissure healed from time to time but after a few weeks it would just come back after passing 'concrete-like' stool. The last 4 months have been really hard and painfull because my fissure did not seem to heal at all. I went to a doctor who prescribed me RECTOGESIC and I've tried lots of other things, even drinking olive oil, taking sitz baths and rubbing coconut oil in my anus (things i've read on the internet that should have a positive effect on the healing proces). The oils didn't really seem to help but now, I think i've found the right combination for a severe fissure to properly heal up. Here is what i've been doing the past 14 days:
Every morning I start the day (9 o' clock) with applying RECTOGESIC 1 inch up my bottom. (this ointment helps relaxing your sphincter and suppress pain), this is a lifesaver. Apply RECTOGESIC a second time at 9 o' clock in the evening. Throughout the day I drink a lot of water, min. 2 liters. and take LAXIDO at least two times a day + one magnesium capsule. (this helps softening your stool and makes taking a dump easier, the magnesium has a positive effect relaxing the muscles). Eat a lot of fruit and veggies! I eat at least 2 plums a day, 1 peach and an apple, this really helps softening up your stool even more. Avoid red meat, pasta, bread, all the things that might clog up your colon and making hard stool (google diets to help softening your stool and you will find out what to eat and not to eat). I go to the toilet after work, as soon as I have a bowel movement, I make sure I take a shower and properly clean my anus, that means sticking my clean finger up my butt a few times to make sure you wet and clean the area thoroughly (and yes you should feel the fissure with your finger). When passing stool, I use a special 'technique', instead of sitting upright, I make sure I bend over and put my hands on my feet, this helps opening up your sphincter (trying to simulate the squat posture). Try to really be aware of your anal muscles and relax as much as you can. I know it will still hurt but you have to relax and open up your anus and breath in heavily and push just a little bit with your anal muscles (not too much because you might hurting yourself). I you are lucky and manage to ignore the pain and just let your stool pass, it should just easily fall out with minimum effort. This routine helped me passing stool and making it less painfull but I still had the feeling the fissure did not heal up properly.
Now here comes the real magic, SUDOCREM! the last 7 days i've added the application of SUDOCREM into my routine, applying it up my butt at least 4 to 5 times a day. It's a zinc-based ointment that helps wounds to heal. Since i've been using this ointment, my fissure seemed to have healed up and even I don't feel pain passing even semi-hard stool. The past 2 days were a relief because not so long ago, I really thought surgery was the only solution for me. I hope I can keep up my routine another week to make sure the fissure really heals up properly. As long as the stool is soft, everything should be after this point.
I hope this information will help a lot!
In a nutshell:
I don't know if the magnesium really helps but I am afraid leaving it out of my routine now :)