What's been your experience with healing times with chronic fissures? I had mine for about 4 months before it started to heal. It is now 15 weeks of no retears. A doctor looked at it about 6 weeks ago and said it was healed, there was no longer any cut or anything there. She could see where it was and said it was tiny and I shouldn't be complaining. Stupid thing is in the 12/1 O clock position which means I can't lean forward or squat as it puts the BM right against it.
I've kept up with 3 movicol daily but got hit with gastro and had to drop to 2. Everything was fine for 4 days but then yesterday, either due to not drinking enough water as it's hot here, or the 2 doses, I had a slightly larger BM with a hardish tip (still smaller than a normal one) I definitely felt the familiar pain in the fissure site but it was very minor. I'm ok. Luckily, no retear, and no after pain and no stinging. Had this happened 10 weeks ago, I'm positive that it would have retorn so I know it's healed some.
So I guess I'm definitely not 100% fully healed. I've upped my dosage and life is fine, although it caused diarrhea all yesterday unfortunately. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be able to have even a remotely normal bm again.
How long were you on stool softeners before considering the fissure finally healed? I've been seeing 8-12months around the net. I'm figuring that 3.5 months is still a drop in the bucket. This is the smallest,most annoying, stupidest fissure I've ever had. I wish I could go back in time and do it differently. Every doctor has said it's nothing, so tiny, and it feels smaller than a papercut, but omg it just won't bug off. Lol