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Hello :( New to the forum

Postby tutdee » 06 Jan 2013, 18:42

I just wanted to drop by to introduce myself. My name is Zena. And I'm in so much pain since Christmas bc of my AF. I had horrible dirrera for 3 days so I sipped on pepto, big mistake!!! I got constipated and couldn't go to the bathroom for 4 days (which I usually go at least 3 times a day). I tried drinking magisum citrate, but that didn't help so finally I went to the emergency room the day after Christmas bc i couldn't pass the stool. The er dr told me it was hemmroids and to take an enema. I actually took 2 of them. Well somehow between the constipation and taking the enemas, I got a AF. I went see a Surgeon on January 2, and he diagnosed me with the AF, told me to put nitro cream on it an lidocaine and to take 4 stool softners a day and sitz baths. And if its not better by January 23rd, we would talk about surgery. I don't want to have surgery. I cant sleep, eat, poop or sit or anything else. When i do poop i scream bloody murder and cry constantly. We need the money to pay bills and I cant miss much work and I know from reading online that recovery from surgery is horrible. So I've been doing all of what he told me to do an I'm still miserable. I sit on a heating pad and that gives me a little bit of relief but not much. I'm taking a valium at night and 4 ibprophen and 2 ultrams every 6-8 hours to relieve the pain. I also pack the Vaseline on my bum right before a BM and that seems to help a bit in the pooping department. Can anyone give me any extra advice on what to do? I feel like my whole life is going down the drain and there is nothing I can do about it. The dark thoughts are horrible and sometimes I think that would be the best option bc no one should have to go through this kind of pain.I keep trying to convince myself that I WILL NOT let this fissure rule my life. but it's very hard to keep convsince myself since the pain is unbareable.
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby clarit » 06 Jan 2013, 19:57

Tutdee...I think i developed mine from taking way too many painkillers (tylenol and ibuprophen) while trying to tolerate being at work w/a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Little did i realize how constipating these could be and I think i compounded my problems by adding insult to injury and ended up w/a fissure.
All i can say, is after having 4 children (one was 10 lbs), tooth abscesses, tonsillectomy in my 30s, I thought i knew what pain was, but NOTHING compared to this.My life started to revolve around the pain of a BM, but mostly the spasm that would grip 20 mins after, and last for exactly 7 hrs afterwards. Even after it lifted in the evening, i would cry just thinking about starting the whole cycle the next day and would fantasize about how much i wish the pain were in my arm or leg so i could just have the limb amputated. I'd come home from work and go directly to laying on my stomach w/my computer reading and searching for anyone else going thru this..i spent HOURS on this site laying on my stomach crying. Finally, i developed a routine that helped me..i stopped all coffee, fried foods, red meat, things i suddenly had an aversion to anyway. I stopped tylenol and advil, and replaced with powdered Metamucil twice each day. At the health food store i bought Dr Christopher's flesh and tissue balm and began applying it. Lots of water..but mostly the metamucil religiously each day. At my nighttime dose, i add a probiotic, two generic stool softeners, and added 2 Magnesium supplements, which made a HUGE difference, especially in the beginning. SLowly, i noticed a difference. I never saw a colo rectal surgeon because we only have one where i live and he was booked months in advance..but his nurse told me he always has his pts on a Metamucil regiment, along w/baby wipes instead of toilet paper, hot baths. The magnesium is something i'd read about and it helped so much, along w/the balm. I've been much MUCH better now after suffering for a solid 7 weeks, and wish i had known to start all of that weeks before. Now, 6 mos later, i still do metamucil twice a day, along w/the probiotic, magnesium and if i didnt eat right that day, i will still use stool softeners. I eat a yogurt each day and stay away from cheese or white pasta, corn, etc. Please know you can get better and as traumatic as that pain was, its more of a memory for me now..something i couldnt even imagine saying back when i was in the middle of it. DONT lose hope, but you do need a regiment that involves more than pain killers..i actually think they got me into this mess.
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby clarit » 06 Jan 2013, 20:06

Tutdee...I think i developed mine from taking way too many painkillers (tylenol and ibuprophen) while trying to tolerate being at work w/a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Little did i realize how constipating these could be and I think i compounded my problems by adding insult to injury and ended up w/a fissure.
All i can say, is after having 4 children (one was 10 lbs), tooth abscesses, tonsillectomy in my 30s, I thought i knew what pain was, but NOTHING compared to this.My life started to revolve around the pain of a BM, but mostly the spasm that would grip 20 mins after, and last for exactly 7 hrs afterwards. Even after it lifted in the evening, i would cry just thinking about starting the whole cycle the next day and would fantasize about how much i wish the pain were in my arm or leg so i could just have the limb amputated. I'd come home from work and go directly to laying on my stomach w/my computer reading and searching for anyone else going thru this..i spent HOURS on this site laying on my stomach crying. Finally, i developed a routine that helped me..i stopped all coffee, fried foods, red meat, things i suddenly had an aversion to anyway. I stopped tylenol and advil, and replaced with powdered Metamucil twice each day. At the health food store i bought Dr Christopher's flesh and tissue balm and began applying it. Lots of water..but mostly the metamucil religiously each day. At my nighttime dose, i add a probiotic, two generic stool softeners, and added 2 Magnesium supplements, which made a HUGE difference, especially in the beginning. SLowly, i noticed a difference. I never saw a colo rectal surgeon because we only have one where i live and he was booked months in advance..but his nurse told me he always has his pts on a Metamucil regiment, along w/baby wipes instead of toilet paper, hot baths. The magnesium is something i'd read about and it helped so much, along w/the balm. I've been much MUCH better now after suffering for a solid 7 weeks, and wish i had known to start all of that weeks before. Now, 6 mos later, i still do metamucil twice a day, along w/the probiotic, magnesium and if i didnt eat right that day, i will still use stool softeners. I eat a yogurt each day and stay away from cheese or white pasta, corn, etc. Please know you can get better and as traumatic as that pain was, its more of a memory for me now..something i couldnt even imagine saying back when i was in the middle of it. DONT lose hope, but you do need a regiment that involves more than pain killers..i actually think they got me into this mess.
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby clarit » 06 Jan 2013, 20:14

sorry, no idea how that posted twice or how to remove one..there is also another good site written by a surgeon:
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby ryrylou » 06 Jan 2013, 20:40

Welcome to the AF club tutdee, and sorry you had to join our group. I'm sorry you are in so much pain, but know that you are not alone anymore. No one knows what you are going through like we do. I didn't get my AF officially diagnosed until 2 months ago. I had been in pain for 6-8 months prior to that thinking it was a bad case of hemorrhoids. I dreaded going to the bathroom, because it would feel like shards of glass exiting my body, and then I would pray that the pain afterwards wouldn't last long. Sometimes it would only last for 20 mins, and others up to 10 hours. It was awful and nothing would relieve the pain. I had been lubricating the anus prior to BM's and taking fiber for quite some time and it never healed. After seeing a surgeon who was highly experienced at anal fissures, he said my pain tolerance was through the roof for what I had been dealing with. He advised me to go through with LIS surgery. I was nervous about the risk of incontinence, but I was so beyond tired of the pain that I agreed. I had the surgery 1 month ago, and I don't regret in the slightest. I will admit the first 24-48 hours post-op were horrible, however I haven't had fissure pain since prior to the surgery. I know now I need to watch my diet for the rest of my life, but that isn't a bad thing. You can get lots of valuable information on here. Good luck with everything!
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby tutdee » 07 Jan 2013, 07:37

Thank you all for the support. I'm just really miserable. Im trying not to lose hope but its very hard. I have pushed my 2 kids (girl 3, and boy 10) and my hubby away from me. I snap for the slightest thing. I don't want to be like that with them. I lost 10 pounds within 4 days, bc I am not eating anything, bc I know the next step after eating :( I had to give up my coffee, bc I've read alot online that it is not very helpful with this condition. Would one cup of coffee really hurt me more?
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby tutdee » 07 Jan 2013, 18:04

well just a little update, I'm about to go do acupuncture in a few minutes to see if that will help. I will keep u all posted on how the appt went
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby owmybum » 08 Jan 2013, 09:42

Hi tutdee,
Sorry to hear you have been so miserable with all this... It's true, all the pain from an af can leave you feeling like a bear with a sore head when dealing with husbands and children.! Image As long as you explain to them why you are being so snappy, and that it's not their fault I am sure they will all try to make things a little easier for you.
Are you taking any sort of stool softener? You must try and eat a bit.. Your body needs the nutrients to repair itself.. I know it's hard to eat when faced with the consequences, I am like a rake myself.. But eat soft things... Fruit, cooked veg, chicken and fish, soups etc.
Good luck with the acupuncture.. I hope it helps!
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby tutdee » 08 Jan 2013, 10:23

owmybum wrote:Hi tutdee,
Sorry to hear you have been so miserable with all this... It's true, all the pain from an af can leave you feeling like a bear with a sore head when dealing with husbands and children.! Image As long as you explain to them why you are being so snappy, and that it's not their fault I am sure they will all try to make things a little easier for you.
Are you taking any sort of stool softener? You must try and eat a bit.. Your body needs the nutrients to repair itself.. I know it's hard to eat when faced with the consequences, I am like a rake myself.. But eat soft things... Fruit, cooked veg, chicken and fish, soups etc.
Good luck with the acupuncture.. I hope it helps!

Thank you. The doctor put me on 4 Colace a day. Im taking them very faithfully. I am so scared to eat. My mind starts wondering, what if I'm not supposed to be eating this or is this soft enough or, its questions constantly. The acupunture went ok. The dr said that it might take a day or so to notice results. But so far I havent notice or felt anything different. I have to call him today or tomorrow and let him know if I fnd it helped any, bc he said if not then I might need another treatment. I will contuine to do this. I want to avoid surgery at all cost. Ive never been through one before and just the thought of might needing to have one stresses me out to the max.
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Re: Hello :( New to the forum

Postby marg6043 » 10 Jan 2013, 13:43

tutdee welcome, we are all here because like you, are or were miserable due to fissure problems.
like you mine was the result of diarrhea, I don't have to remind you of how it feels down there.
Yes, for some this things goes away in not time, but for others they have been suffering for years.
Is not easy way out, but time will help you find what helps and what doesn't and make things more manageable.
It took me at least several weeks to feel better after the initial treatment, nitro, diarrhea control, mineral oil and then a routine that i can live with.
But sadly while for some this is enough for others like me that do not want surgery is never over, more manageable but no over.
I hope you feel better soon.
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