by clarit » 06 Jan 2013, 19:57
Tutdee...I think i developed mine from taking way too many painkillers (tylenol and ibuprophen) while trying to tolerate being at work w/a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Little did i realize how constipating these could be and I think i compounded my problems by adding insult to injury and ended up w/a fissure.
All i can say, is after having 4 children (one was 10 lbs), tooth abscesses, tonsillectomy in my 30s, I thought i knew what pain was, but NOTHING compared to this.My life started to revolve around the pain of a BM, but mostly the spasm that would grip 20 mins after, and last for exactly 7 hrs afterwards. Even after it lifted in the evening, i would cry just thinking about starting the whole cycle the next day and would fantasize about how much i wish the pain were in my arm or leg so i could just have the limb amputated. I'd come home from work and go directly to laying on my stomach w/my computer reading and searching for anyone else going thru this..i spent HOURS on this site laying on my stomach crying. Finally, i developed a routine that helped me..i stopped all coffee, fried foods, red meat, things i suddenly had an aversion to anyway. I stopped tylenol and advil, and replaced with powdered Metamucil twice each day. At the health food store i bought Dr Christopher's flesh and tissue balm and began applying it. Lots of water..but mostly the metamucil religiously each day. At my nighttime dose, i add a probiotic, two generic stool softeners, and added 2 Magnesium supplements, which made a HUGE difference, especially in the beginning. SLowly, i noticed a difference. I never saw a colo rectal surgeon because we only have one where i live and he was booked months in advance..but his nurse told me he always has his pts on a Metamucil regiment, along w/baby wipes instead of toilet paper, hot baths. The magnesium is something i'd read about and it helped so much, along w/the balm. I've been much MUCH better now after suffering for a solid 7 weeks, and wish i had known to start all of that weeks before. Now, 6 mos later, i still do metamucil twice a day, along w/the probiotic, magnesium and if i didnt eat right that day, i will still use stool softeners. I eat a yogurt each day and stay away from cheese or white pasta, corn, etc. Please know you can get better and as traumatic as that pain was, its more of a memory for me now..something i couldnt even imagine saying back when i was in the middle of it. DONT lose hope, but you do need a regiment that involves more than pain killers..i actually think they got me into this mess.