I *finally* seemed to have nailed down soft stool from tip to end (by taking olive & coconut oil with every meal) - and of course the usual drink lots of water, eat fruits & veggies, exercise, etc.
But now... it just won't slide out! ARgghhh!
It takes some effort to push it out (otherwise it just doesn't move) and the past 2 days, the tail end gets stuck inside me.
It's so soft and small, I cannot push it out without really straining (yesterday I did get it out after 15 mins but my ass was so sore all day).
My worry is if it stays inside until the next bm, it will harden and turn into a hard tip.
What should I add to my diet?? I was thinking maybe more insoluble fiber, but I can't have my stool any bigger or it will cause a painful tear worse than just soreness.