Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

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Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby roseya » 18 Jul 2016, 22:25

I *finally* seemed to have nailed down soft stool from tip to end (by taking olive & coconut oil with every meal) - and of course the usual drink lots of water, eat fruits & veggies, exercise, etc.

But now... it just won't slide out! ARgghhh!

It takes some effort to push it out (otherwise it just doesn't move) and the past 2 days, the tail end gets stuck inside me.

It's so soft and small, I cannot push it out without really straining (yesterday I did get it out after 15 mins but my ass was so sore all day).

My worry is if it stays inside until the next bm, it will harden and turn into a hard tip.

What should I add to my diet?? I was thinking maybe more insoluble fiber, but I can't have my stool any bigger or it will cause a painful tear worse than just soreness.
My recovery diary thread:
Soft stool: olive oil + coconut oil with meals, 2 magnesium citrate 150mg caps
Creams used: Polysporin (2 antibiotics), Sudocrem, Vaseline
Amazing fiber spreadsheet: post123866.html#p123866
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby thedude » 19 Jul 2016, 09:09

Are you able to apply coconut oil inside? I would take coconut oil and freeze little slivers of it, and then before a BM I would slide one of those slivers inside where it would then melt and help the BM come out easier.
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 20 Jul 2016, 18:42

Hello Roseya I had that problem too and realized that I had lost that balance between soluble and insoluble fiber. I was so focused on soluble fiber to make stool soft that I forgot to make it bulky enough for peristalsis to kick it and push it forward. Also when I eat too little or too much BM seems incomplete. It's maddening but I tried to add some acacia fiber back with some brown rice with insoluble fiber and for the time being it seems to slide out - also added oil like u advised.
Aaarrrgghh! How fine can this balance be!
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby roseya » 22 Jul 2016, 00:21

thedude wrote:Are you able to apply coconut oil inside? I would take coconut oil and freeze little slivers of it, and then before a BM I would slide one of those slivers inside where it would then melt and help the BM come out easier.

I've tried coconut oil in the past, but I did not experience it coming out any easier... although I never made slivers out of them! That sounds kind of fun. How do you make them into slivers? Is there an easy way to do it? How long do you leave it in for?
My recovery diary thread:
Soft stool: olive oil + coconut oil with meals, 2 magnesium citrate 150mg caps
Creams used: Polysporin (2 antibiotics), Sudocrem, Vaseline
Amazing fiber spreadsheet: post123866.html#p123866
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby roseya » 22 Jul 2016, 00:24

Healingthroughdiet wrote:Hello Roseya I had that problem too and realized that I had lost that balance between soluble and insoluble fiber. I was so focused on soluble fiber to make stool soft that I forgot to make it bulky enough for peristalsis to kick it and push it forward. Also when I eat too little or too much BM seems incomplete. It's maddening but I tried to add some acacia fiber back with some brown rice with insoluble fiber and for the time being it seems to slide out - also added oil like u advised.
Aaarrrgghh! How fine can this balance be!
Best HTD

It is indeed maddening! It's a daily struggle. Thanks for your suggestion to add more insoluble fiber. The possibility of a bigger stool scares me, but if it's working well for you, I hope it works for me too!

Ground flaxseed has worked really well for me in the past, except it had a tendency to bulk it up when I soak it in water. I'll try adding more of it, unsoaked.
My recovery diary thread:
Soft stool: olive oil + coconut oil with meals, 2 magnesium citrate 150mg caps
Creams used: Polysporin (2 antibiotics), Sudocrem, Vaseline
Amazing fiber spreadsheet: post123866.html#p123866
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby Thorgrim » 27 Aug 2018, 08:00

I know this is an old thread, but I have had this problem as well, getting a $40 bidet helps clear that extra little bit out.
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 16 Sep 2018, 18:32

try any of these:

magnesium oxide, fig syrup, blended kiwi and pear

they've always helped me.
Deleted User 4536

Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby Silas » 17 Sep 2018, 10:26

I have this issue sometimes as well. The end of the bowel movement seems to stick a bit, and it takes some effort to complete the job.

I think hemorrhoids are contributing to this. What might be happening is that the tissue gets inflamed/swollen during the movement if I don't eat right. Combine this with an imbalance of soluble/insoluble fiber, and I get this sticking issue.

I will try some of the recommendations on this thread and see how it goes

P.S. Beer seems to aggravate this issue as well. Not sure why--might be dehydration, the barley, who knows.
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Re: Help! How to make stool SLIDE out?

Postby hurtinend » 17 Sep 2018, 14:20

1/2 cup wheat bran
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/2 cup prune juice

mix together in a bowl and let it set in the fridge. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons per day with lots of warm water.

I've been suffering from slow bowels for a while now. The above recipe is the first thing that's really worked for me. I've tried many many things.

Best thing to do is experiment, you will find a combo that works for you. I agree with the coconut oil suggestions above.
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