How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

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How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Fissure boy24 » 17 Mar 2018, 21:56

I have trouble going to school and work because of this and I feel like dropping everything because the pain is so great, it's made me feel very sad and I cry at night because I'm worried when the next pain will come.

I walk around alot and stand at my work, and I don't know how you guys do it.

I hope I can be as strong as you all because I know alot of people here go to work and suffer with this problem yet keep going even with thepain
Fissure boy24
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Re: How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Hopefull123 » 17 Mar 2018, 22:05

Honestly, if I didn't have the privilege to work from home, I would have done the LIS much sooner. I regret not doing it after the third or forth month and put an end to the pain. Don't be afraid of the surgery. To me that shouldn't even be called a surgery, but just a procedure. Getting a tooth crown is much more complicated to me LOL. The risks are so minimal that it's not worth the fear and the prolonged pain. Go to a good CRS and let them check how deep and long is your cut and if it has a chance to heal on its own at all.
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Re: How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Fissure boy24 » 17 Mar 2018, 23:05

Sadly I can't do that because I have no insurance currently, I am just wondering what I can take to ease the pain. I would love to get surgery, sadly I have low income and have to work or lose my home.
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Re: How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Hopefull123 » 17 Mar 2018, 23:16

You can take pain killers, but I ve heard from others that they don't help much unless they are super strong, but those will ruin your health long term. Try going to a doctor and at least get a prescription for nitroglycerin or diltiazem, which will relax your sphincter and there will be a chance for healing. Start taking psyllium husk to make your stool soft and not aggravate the fissure.
Maybe you can try financing the surgery. I am in California and without insurance the surgery costs about 4000. Otherwise you may not be able to work and loose your home and your job. Be wise.
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Re: How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Hopefull123 » 17 Mar 2018, 23:25

How long have you had the fissure by the way, if less than 6 weeks you have big chance to heal with diet and fiber. If longer, you need ointments I mentioned above. What do you do to heal?
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Re: How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Fissure boy24 » 18 Mar 2018, 09:50

I've had my fissure for about a year or more, I've tried fiber, sitz baths, heating pads, and coconut oil which surprisingly worked well before but not anymore since I recently got another tear.
I just want to hear what you guys do for your pain because it is very stressfull. :sadd:

Hopefull123 wrote: Try going to a doctor and at least get a prescription for nitroglycerin or diltiazem, which will relax your sphincter and there will be a chance for healing. Start taking psyllium husk to make your stool soft and not aggravate the fissure.

Thanks for the advice, I would like to take nitro or diltiazem, sadly I need a perscription for that and to go to a doctor I need insurance or pay a lot of money that I unfortunately don't have.
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Re: How do you deal with anal fissure at work?

Postby Hopefull123 » 18 Mar 2018, 09:58

Sorry to hear that
Are you in the US? You should have Obama care. Check also for free clinics.
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