How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

POST LIS Surgery

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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby kevinpdx » 06 Jun 2017, 15:52

Thanks GilmoreGirl. The only pain i'm experiencing is during BM, other times the pain is minimal. I pray that given time, the tightness will resolve itself.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby GilmoreGirl » 06 Jun 2017, 16:08

Yes - I think it will. Probably still swollen, I was surprised at how long the swelling lasted post op.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby chillblue » 07 Jun 2017, 09:54

Yea I bled from the time i Had Surgery (April 28th) until June 1. So a little over a month Obviously as time went on it was less and less blood, but I did bleed and have pain from either the incision site or the fissure. I cant tell because they are both on the same side. I never had large amounts of blood. I was just feel a scrape as the stool was coming out on the side, followed by pain, followed by some blood and discharge on the gauze, or toilet paper once i didnt need the guaze anymore. But as of right now I have no issues. No swelling. Still kinda tight but I need more to time to evaluate how its healing. But I am progressing and have no pain as of right now.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby Storre34 » 23 Jun 2017, 14:41


Has everyone's fissures healed since having the procedure? Did you have aby recurrences? I'm reluctant about this procedure, but I know I should get it done. Thanks for your help!
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