How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

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How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby chillblue » 20 Apr 2017, 12:37

Hi All,

I am scheduled to have this surgery next Friday April 28th, and I was wondering how it feels after its completely healed. Is it more loose? Does it give you the same relaxed feeling that nitroglycerin does? I had a hemorrhoidectomy back in 2008, and have had a recurring tear in one of the spots where i was cut ever since. Ive been to several doctors and they say my anus is perfect, but to me its not. Its been alot tighter since the first surgery, the area i that was cut is probably weaker, and i suspect this is what is causing the tearing. My doctor is not completely convinced, but I was able to get him to do the surgery since i have tried botox and nitro. Botox did nothing for me at all, but the nitro helped somewhat. Oh and by the way I am gay, so anytime I try to have anal sex that area tears. I'm just hoping the LIS will loosen things a bit, so i don't tear during bowel moments or sex. I just hope i am not making a mistake or making things worse by doing this, but i just want my quality of life back. It would be nice to know what your experience is after this surgery, and if anal sex is comfortable after complete healing.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby Diaboliq » 21 Apr 2017, 09:30

I just had LIS done 2 days ago, and I can tell you already that the fissure pain is gone, I have no problem holding in gas (which im not sure is gonna change). For me, the Diltazem cream worked wonders. It loosened the muscle up so I didn't have pain all day and it felt normal. That's how I'm feeling right now, except with no cream. You will be sore from the surgery (which is honestly no big deal)

Depending on how long you've dealt with this horrible mess, you know how what your body feels like, and mine feels like i think it should. Won't know until more time goes by, but I'm surprisingly in no pain 2 days out.

Good luck on your surgery, and don't let bad experiences bring you down. My CRS told me he has a 95% cure rate and has only seen 1 retest ever after LIS. Best thing I ever did (so far) :)
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby GilmoreGirl » 21 Apr 2017, 10:42

I had a bit of a rough recovery, but as the other poster says - mostly just pain from the incision. The old pain from spasms was gone. I'm two and a half weeks out and it feels like my sphincter does try and spasm when there's pain, but it just can't get to that point where it is painful, if that makes sense?

Before the surgery I had to strain to release gas - still have to give a little push but much easier. I would not worry at all about things becoming too loose, haven't had a bit of problem on that front.

Hope that things go smoothly for you if you decide to go ahead!

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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby chillblue » 21 Apr 2017, 17:47

Awesome. Thanks for this. It eases my mind. This has been a source of worry for years, and im glad i might finally be free from this. Very helpful information.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby chillblue » 28 Apr 2017, 17:00

Hey Boardies!!!!

I had my LIS this morning at 7:45am. It didn't take that long, i was under general anesthesia so of course i didnt feel a thing. I took a percocet for pain, but i wont take anymore unless the pain gets really bad.. Since the numbing wore off it feels more of an aching, but we will see. I just hope this will get me back to a normal life. keep you guys posted!!!!! :)
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby Diaboliq » 28 Apr 2017, 18:58

Yep, for me it's just aching. I figure cutting a muscle is kind of traumatic, so there's obviously going to be pain. I'm on day 9 now and it's getting better. When I stand I keep getting a lot of pressure but I can't go. I think it's just because I've laid down for so long my body is out of whack from not standing much. I was sitting down playing guitar today so that's an improvement. Just give it some time.
For me I saw no improvement for many days, then today I woke up feeling better then I have in quite a long while. I still feel the stitches and my ass feels strange still, but BMs are good, no pain after except some pressure.

Like GG said, it feels like you should be having spasms but the muscle can't, so you don't, but I can still feel like it wants to.

Good luck! One advice that was great was take the packing out before the numbing wears off. It was way worse then the first BM getting that crap out.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby chillblue » 28 Apr 2017, 19:31

I dont know why, but i didnt have any packing. They just but some gauze on it. It might be too early to tell, but when i pass gas it seems like it comes out easier. Before most times i would have to push it out lol. This is literally the day of my surgery so i dont know if that means anything but it gives me a glimmer of hope.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby Diaboliq » 28 Apr 2017, 21:01

Good! The packing was horrible for me. I'm on day 9 and gas has been insane, but easy to pass. I haven't had any "incontinance". My advice would be to get ready to take some painkillers when you wake up. When I woke up from surgery right after, and the morning after surgery were by far the worst pain, but still only like a 4-5 pain scale. 2 percocets and I was good for just about the whole day. Just get some rest and don't worry about your first BM! Should be downhill from here 8)
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby chillblue » 29 Apr 2017, 10:08


How has tightness been for you down there since the surgery? I thought LIS was supposed to make things more loose. I know I just had mine a little over 24 hours ago, but I was expecting to feel some sort of loose feeling, but it seems as though its tighter, and i'm sure thats probably because of swelling, but I just wanted to see if you are experiencing the same thing.
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Re: How does Sphinchter feel Post LIS\Sphincterotomy

Postby GilmoreGirl » 29 Apr 2017, 10:16

Chillblue - I was in a panic for about a week and half/two weeks after LIS because things felt so tight!!! Tighter than before even. But the swelling went down around the third week and it is now a million times better. I did get an abscess at the incision, but even with that I'm doing so much better and it SOO much easier to go. F I didn't have the abscess I think I'd be out jogging - and it's 4 weeks out for me.

Hang in there - you're gonna be forgetting all about this soon!
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