how long did it take for you to fully heal after LIS surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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how long did it take for you to fully heal after LIS surgery?

under a month
1 month+
2 months+
3 months+
Total votes : 6

how long did it take for you to fully heal after LIS surgery

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 19 Oct 2018, 12:59

just wanted to know how long it took people to heal that had successful LIS surgery.
Deleted User 4536

Re: how long did it take for you to fully heal after LIS sur

Postby TomatoSoup » 24 Oct 2018, 16:14

I'd like to know too. I can't contribute to the poll because I'm currently at 2 month and one week post-op and still dealing with occasional blood in the toilet bowl. Luckily no pain, but I also rarely had fissure pain before LIS.
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Re: how long did it take for you to fully heal after LIS sur

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 26 Oct 2018, 08:45

I too am at 2 months 2 weeks and still pain. More of a burning contributed to loose stools and slight leakage. i Hear it’s 3 months minimum and 6-10 for a full recovery. Who knows, without that golden stool everyday for a year.......
Deleted User 7275

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