[SUCCESS] How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Checkdis » 30 Oct 2018, 17:50


Healing is pretty much done. I’m good to go, no pain and bowel movements are okay. 5-6 months and everything is good.

Seems I may have Hashimoto’s which could be causing the polyuria. But I will keep moving forward to find an answer.
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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Naina » 16 Dec 2018, 10:53

It's Day 4 for me after fistulotomy and it's hurt even bad after surgery.
My fissures are back again.
I'm in a lot of pain and it doesn't look like it's going to get better.
I jad LIS done a month ago and fistulotomy 4 daysago.
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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Checkdis » 16 Dec 2018, 11:12

Naina wrote:It's Day 4 for me after fistulotomy and it's hurt even bad after surgery.
My fissures are back again.
I'm in a lot of pain and it doesn't look like it's going to get better.
I jad LIS done a month ago and fistulotomy 4 daysago.

It will pass in time, just increase your fiber and take showers after bowel movements. You can use a hair dryer to dry and clean yourself.

It will all pass but it takes time.
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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby North West Jen » 08 Feb 2020, 23:44

Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since you posted an update. How are you now?

I’m 12 days post LIS, Fissurecotomy and scrapping our scar tissue from my fistula surgery 3 years ago. Oh my! These last 12 days have been so painful. But I’ve noticed the last couple days have lessened slightly. I’ve also noticed I have more thicker discharge vs watery/bloody discharge. I’m hoping this is a good sign. Do you have a dairy you wrote during your recovery on this site? If so, I’d be really interested in reading it.
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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Checkdis » 09 Feb 2020, 07:26

North West Jen wrote:Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since you posted an update. How are you now?

I’m 12 days post LIS, Fissurecotomy and scrapping our scar tissue from my fistula surgery 3 years ago. Oh my! These last 12 days have been so painful. But I’ve noticed the last couple days have lessened slightly. I’ve also noticed I have more thicker discharge vs watery/bloody discharge. I’m hoping this is a good sign. Do you have a dairy you wrote during your recovery on this site? If so, I’d be really interested in reading it.

Don’t worry you will be fine, I am 100% healed up no blood!! No pain!! Your experience may be more painful because a fistulotomy is more superficial to the exterior nerves of the Rectum. The surgeon has cut through more nerves and is not comparable to a LIS.

I really don’t have a diary but I have been dealing with a chronic illness for the past 3 years which I believe doctors have found now. I have Graves Disease which makes sense now with the frequency of bowel movements and urination. This disease could have created my complications which resulted in a LIS and fistulotomy. But today, I am feeling a lot better and have been making great improvements. Just stay positive and everything will pass.

Fyi, for my LIS I didn’t even take 1 single pain medication... but Fistulotomy had me taking them in only the first day, it is painful.

P.s if you really are interested in what I have gone through most of my posting can be found at excelmale.com with the same account name.
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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby North West Jen » 09 Feb 2020, 11:53

Thank you Checkdis! This gives me so much hope knowing you are 100%. And I’m so happy they found the root cause. I will check out your other postings.

You are so right about the fistulotomy and nerves. Long story short I developed an abscess from a mis healed AF in the posterior 6 o’clock. It was superficial so CRS deroofed it. It took forever to heal and eventually healed over scar tissue. I’ve had issues off and on since the healing and finally went back in to CRS after just being tired of not ever feeling normal. I’m sure everyone here knows the feeling! They said i was getting little tears next to my scar tissue and my internal muscle was tight, essentially not allowing it to heal. So, i went in for LIS and they scraped out all the posterior scar tissue. I basically have a big open wound that extends from the external going inside the rectum. The first 7-8 days were hell to put it mildly. I wasn’t expecting to take as much pain meds (Oxy) as I was prescribed but I needed it to get by. I’m not pretty much on ibuprofen and Tylenol now. I am optimistic about this procedure because my skin healing is already so much farther along than my first fistulotomy. Maybe it’s because of LIS too. I don’t know. I’m confident thought that if I’d had only LIS done, I’d be running marathons by now. Haha probably not but I’d be feeling so good by now. I only felt stinging at the LIS incision site for a few days and now I feel nothing and it’s no longer swollen at all.

Anyway, thanks for your reply and I hope you continue to improve with your Graves’ disease. Take care! NWJ
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Re: How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Checkdis » 09 Feb 2020, 13:03

North West Jen wrote:Thank you Checkdis! This gives me so much hope knowing you are 100%. And I’m so happy they found the root cause. I will check out your other postings.

You are so right about the fistulotomy and nerves. Long story short I developed an abscess from a mis healed AF in the posterior 6 o’clock. It was superficial so CRS deroofed it. It took forever to heal and eventually healed over scar tissue. I’ve had issues off and on since the healing and finally went back in to CRS after just being tired of not ever feeling normal. I’m sure everyone here knows the feeling! They said i was getting little tears next to my scar tissue and my internal muscle was tight, essentially not allowing it to heal. So, i went in for LIS and they scraped out all the posterior scar tissue. I basically have a big open wound that extends from the external going inside the rectum. The first 7-8 days were hell to put it mildly. I wasn’t expecting to take as much pain meds (Oxy) as I was prescribed but I needed it to get by. I’m not pretty much on ibuprofen and Tylenol now. I am optimistic about this procedure because my skin healing is already so much farther along than my first fistulotomy. Maybe it’s because of LIS too. I don’t know. I’m confident thought that if I’d had only LIS done, I’d be running marathons by now. Haha probably not but I’d be feeling so good by now. I only felt stinging at the LIS incision site for a few days and now I feel nothing and it’s no longer swollen at all.

Anyway, thanks for your reply and I hope you continue to improve with your Graves’ disease. Take care! NWJ

Yeah it seems to go hand in hand when someone has one, they have both unfortunately. It is a terrible curse but will get better! Go on amazon and buy Calmoseptine (green and white tube). This product saved my ass, pun intended lol. It is amazing stuff and should be applied as much as you want. Also tricks like using a hair dryer to dry the area and take a shower after a bowel movement is critical. I will not use wet naps, and be very gentle when it comes to cleaning. Also another trick I do is apply Calmoseptine to the rectum, and apply a sterile gauss and leave it there until the morning. Some days I would walk around with a gauss still applied for comfort. Obviously these are all rule of thumb things we all should do when it comes to recovery. But one important thing I learned was, when taking a pain medication, it tricks the body that there is no trauma to the effected tissue. So it will not send the correct mechanism to heal that area. It’s best to stay away from those nasty meds. In the end they do more harm than good.

I am glad you are interested in my story and that there is hope. I wish you the best and pray for a speed recovery for you.
Last edited by Checkdis on 01 Mar 2020, 09:05, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [SUCCESS] How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Checkdis » 01 Mar 2020, 08:59

UPDATE: I am marking this thread as success seeing I have zero issues anymore. Please feel free to read through.
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Re: [SUCCESS] How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Coconutoil » 08 Jun 2020, 12:44

Hi I’m just reading your story now and want to buy the calmoseptine you recommended. Do you apply it just on the outside area or also internally? I currently have a fissure and wonder if this will help if I apply it internally on the fissure to help it heal. Thanks.
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Re: [SUCCESS] How long did it take to heal for Fistulotomy?

Postby Checkdis » 08 Jun 2020, 13:21

Exterior you will get the best results. I have tried interior but it is not meant for that, it won’t kill you though.
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