How long do I need to take sitz baths for?

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How long do I need to take sitz baths for?

Postby Beamer23 » 28 Jul 2014, 02:34

Hi everyone,

On day 17 of recovery from LIS and thankful to say that I am feeling FANTASTIC! :D
I saw my doctor on day 14 of recovery and was hoping I would be in the clear to resume life back to normal: bike riding, working out, sex, and wiping normally after going to the bathroom. However, I was told that I should still continue sitz bathing for a bit longer, as I still was a little irritated in the incision site.

How long did you guys find that you needed to sitz bath for post-op? Not only for general cleaning 2-3 times a day, but after BMs too? I am so grateful to have had such a graceful and quick recovery from the surgery, but I must admit that spending 1-1.5 hours a day sitz bathing is getting a bit tedious!

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Re: How long do I need to take sitz baths for?

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 14 Aug 2014, 12:15

That's amazing news that you're back to doing normal things so soon! You can keep up your sitz bath for as long as you like, I used to have one after every BM after my fissurectomy + botox for about 4 weeks after. It was mainly to try to sooth the pain and give it a good clean, but unfortunately I only had a bidet to do it in and after trying to unwedge my tush with the hot tap digging into me because a bit too much effort and I switched to Andrex washlets which are flushable moist wipes (heaven!!)

I guess for me they were useful until I could start wiping with no real pain. So it's up to you really. Hope that helps!

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