How long does healing take?

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How long does healing take?

Postby itchyandscratchy » 14 Apr 2017, 14:25

I felt like I was on the road to recovery after,not having a bloody BM for almost 2 months now.

Im reading that this yellow,discharge is only from,active fissures so while I thought ive been healing cause no blood it seems this has been active this whole time.

I feel so depressed right now and dont know what to do.

Im not in pain, the area just leaks this yellow and make the area itch. Ill often go to rhw bathroom just,to wipe clean and sometimes all this unnessecary wiping causes faint red blood streaks and I stick my finger inside slightly and it feels like thats the source of all this yellow discharge. Its not stool matter, it has no smell. So perhaps my fissue goes much deeper inside than whats seen on the outside?

What can I do? My stools are plenty soft so that the act of defecating no longer retears the fissue, which is what I thought was holding me back from healing. But it seems it just doesnt want to heal.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby patience_and_healing » 14 Apr 2017, 23:01

Have you been seen by a specialist? And have they ruled out that the discharge could be caused by a fistula instead of the fissure? I don't mean to scare you, but discharge is not really typical fissure behavior.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby itchyandscratchy » 17 Apr 2017, 14:04

patience_and_healing wrote:Have you been seen by a specialist? And have they ruled out that the discharge could be caused by a fistula instead of the fissure? I don't mean to scare you, but discharge is not really typical fissure behavior.

It was confirmed fissure thru a visual exam of my behind.

Said it was a typical fissure. This was back in November 2016.

Not sure what a fistula is but a fissure has me depressed enough.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby itchyandscratchy » 17 Apr 2017, 14:13

I dont seem typical of most fissure stories, so it has me,wondering.

The only pain was the initial trauma of wiping too hard. It was so painful for a week. It seemed like there was a swollen lump right near the anus which healed into a cut that never went away.

Thankfully the pain did. I dont know its reopened until I see the blood. Subsequent BMs dont hurt, I dont get the spasms. My anus doesnt feel tensed. I just get daily yellow drainage and itchiness from the drainage.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby patience_and_healing » 17 Apr 2017, 21:43

November was a long time ago. I encourage you to go get checked out again to rule out an infection. A colorectal specialist would be the best choice.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby itchyandscratchy » 26 Apr 2017, 17:20

I went back to the GI's nurse practitioner yesterday. She did a digital exam and said she felt some small hemorrhoids.

They said the fissure is only external and so tiny the NP couldnt even see it at first she called in a Dr. and he found it, but hes not sure the clear mucus is from the fissure.

I hope its not a fistula though they did bring it up as a possibility and gave me an antibiotic. I looked up what a fistula was and symptoms and they are A) Rare B) Usually present with an abscess, though rarely they do not C) Cause pain, fevers and fatigue.

I dont present with any of those symptoms.

I feel like there is so much misinformation spouted about fissures and its troubling. Fissures DO cause the anus to secrete extra mucus to lubricate the area to ease inflammation and as part of wound healing. I never had this leakage until I had a fissure and when the fissure is acting fine(not bleeding or itching), I do not have this leakage.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby patience_and_healing » 27 Apr 2017, 09:45

I hope you don't have a fistula. Be sure to take probiotics to avoid diarrhea from the antibiotics which could irritate the fissure.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby itchyandscratchy » 27 Apr 2017, 13:07

Me too. I doubt I have one and not sure what the antibiotics are for. They are really causing my stomach upset im,thinking about stopping them.

Ive been feeling nauseous since I started taking them.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby itchyandscratchy » 16 May 2017, 15:27

patience_and_healing wrote:I hope you don't have a fistula. Be sure to take probiotics to avoid diarrhea from the antibiotics which could irritate the fissure.

I guess I do have a fistula. Im wicked upset about it.

Fortunately Dr. said it was the best possible scenario, but im still afraid.

Dont know what to do, Dr. said if I were his family hed suggest doing the surgery as its so superficial he barely has to cut anything.

So bummed out.
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Re: How long does healing take?

Postby patience_and_healing » 16 May 2017, 23:16

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hugs to you. If you trust your doctor then think carefully, discuss with your family and decide what you would like to do. It's very kind of the doc to equate you with his own family. As far as I know, once treated they shouldn't recur, so just keep that in mind. Things are rarely as bad as our minds make us believe they are.
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