How long until you felt 100%

Post LIS surgery

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How long until you felt 100%

Postby pakman9 » 21 Sep 2016, 21:42

I had my surgery June 27th. I had a fissure and received an LIS.

3 months after the surgery, I'm still not 100%. I have some minor setbacks along the way (a hard stool once or twice), and I was wondering when most people feel pretty normal again post LIS surgery.

I don't have the excruciating pain of the fissure any more, it's mostly just a mild and very tolerable pain/discomfort with the occasional stool. For instance, if I take metamucil and my stool is very bulky, it can feel difficult to pass--almost uncomfortable, although there isn't pain that accompanies it and the stool seems soft.

I've been walking for about an hour every day just to increase blood flow and stay active, but I don't feel comfortable going back to a normal routine of physical exercise.

So it's been 3 months. The worst of the pain has passed, I'm just waiting to feel normal again.

What has your experience been like?
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Re: How long until you felt 100%

Postby Buttpalsteven » 22 Sep 2016, 00:07

Hi Pakman,

Don't be discouraged. Honestly, it sounds like you are on par with most people on here.. But, everyone has a different experience. I'm on the fortunate side (I'm also a young male - 25, and eat a healthy diet - high fiber, lots of water, etc.. further, I had a deep anal fissure but nothing else going on - no hemorrhoids, tags, fistulas, etc.. so I'm sure all of these variables have helped me compared to others). I'm 4 weeks and 2 days post surgery, and honestly I'm better than I remember being in the past several years. I've had my fissure for 6 years and it caused me a lot of grief. I still feel pressure with some BM now but little to no pain. I consider myself 96% healed.

TBH though, my BM have not become normal yet. I quit my stool softeners a few days ago so I am hoping they will return to normal but I have had a huge decrease in my BM size and frequency (but not a change in the amount of food I eat).

I have seen others post on here who find freedom at 6 months and beyond.. so if you arn't there yet you just gotta be patient and believe you will soon join the majority of healed and happy LIS survivors!

All the best,
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Re: How long until you felt 100%

Postby pakman9 » 22 Sep 2016, 00:13

Always encouraging to read posts like that. I'm 20 and been dealing with this since January, and I thought I had it bad!

Glad to hear you are recovering and that that this is normal.

I guess the nice thing about getting over an AF is that you appreciate everything a little bit more afterwards.

Thanks for the response.
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Re: How long until you felt 100%

Postby Happyending » 23 Sep 2016, 01:04

Hey Buttpalsteven,
The reduction in BM size and frequency could be because you reduced your fiber intake. When I started fiber supplements,now hen my fissure was new and acute, I took too much fiber. I was on the toilet several times a day, huge loads. Output = 10x input it seemed. It was truly amazing.
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