how much do you poop?

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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 May 2008, 15:38

The cro-magnons took note when they saw all the Neanderthals running around with their hands on their butts. They started growing little gardens to get fiber, and boom! Civilization!!!
Yup! AF played a major role in in human evolution. You heard it here first! Image
To return to the topic, I have to say it's a bit freaky when my stool volume rises above sea level. That doesn't happen often.
Should I be proud, or afraid?
Deleted User 5

Re: how much do you poop?

Postby Jo » 29 May 2008, 16:10

You guys are hilarious!
I love it when the poo rises above the sea level!
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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby cherylk » 29 May 2008, 16:33

But what I really want to KNOW is did our ancestors decide to squat or sit?
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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 May 2008, 17:01

Well if you consider that anything remotely resembling a "toilet" would only go back as far as Minoan times, within recorded history, then no. Even then, only the richest, most advanced cultures had running water for toilets. Most of the world still squats, in fact. Squatting is di-rigour for modern humans and certainly was for our ancestors.
Many researchers insist that modern, "western" toilets are much to blame for hemorrhoids and other anal maladies. It is unnatural, so to speak. It places more pressure on your anal canal and over time things get stressed and strained.
So actually, there's every reason to believe that neanderthals, cro-magnons, and even those cute, furry little Australopithicines didn't have the kind of butt problems we modern humans do!
Last edited by Deleted User 5 on 29 May 2008, 17:13, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 5

Re: how much do you poop?

Postby cherylk » 29 May 2008, 17:13

If our ancestors didn't sit, I don't think we should either. I forgot there was no running water back then. I think we should start a movement to get squatting accepted in our culture. Maybe we could all then be cured. But then we would have no need to communicate with one another, so I guess there are pros and cons to everything.
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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 May 2008, 17:16

Some of us still won't have to squat to pee. Ha ha, I couldn't resist that!
Deleted User 5

Re: how much do you poop?

Postby buttgirl » 29 May 2008, 17:22

well, the rest of don't HAVE to squat to pee. it just gets a little slashy if we don't. Image
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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby mlsohm » 29 May 2008, 18:12

Cherylk, I also took vitamin D as in Cod Liver Oil and never even came down with a cold. Also didn't get the flu shot. I'm still taking CLO but cut the dose down for the summer as I get more sun. My wife did the same with the same results. MLS
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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby cherylk » 29 May 2008, 19:39

I am not sure if the Vit D helped me not get sick or if the acidophilis supplement did--both of which are supposed to help immunity. Reserachers are thinking that Vit D can also be helpful in immunity to cancer, but I think the official verdict is still out on that. My husband golfs a lot and is therefore exposed to lots of sun (he doesn't use sun screen either), but he still tested low on Vit D, and he is taking a higher dose of Vit D than I am. Hopefully, Vit D cannot hurt anything. My husband was sick once last winter with a cold, and I didn't get it from him. I would like to recommend Vit D to my 83 year old mother. I think it might help her as she is now suffering from a cold that she picked up from my son who is living with her this summer. I did get the flu shot (do every year), but this past winter many who got the flu shot were not protected and got sick anyway because the predicted strains of flu were not accurate. Cheryl
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Re: how much do you poop?

Postby Fissulyna » 29 May 2008, 21:52

Hey Kim - I know who are our ancestors LOL- I just like Neanderthals more - didn't I already declared I had a crash on Choubaka (sp?) LOL. Anyways - there are many theories of what happened to Neanderthal - one of them that they bread with more advanced "ancestors" and actually never got extinct but still "live" in our genes ha ha ha - in mine definitely LOL !!!
All of our ancestors lived mostly as "gatherers" and meat was a very rare commodity LOL, which tells us that they definitely had a TON of fiber in their diet and their poop Image was a jumbo sized Image !
Cheryl - they definitely had to squat or they would be sitting in their own crap on the ground...and they did not give a damn if they were nude LOL or if anybody is watching - like it is the case in all human tribes today Image.
So , yeah , viva la squat !!!!!
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