How to keep clean? Please advise

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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Brians » 31 Jul 2015, 20:11

Savaici wrote:Most CRSs recommend using a Sitz Bath after having fistula surgery, and soaking for 20 minutes. I did a search on the Internet for Sitz Bath and fistula and it appeared in just about all suggestions. Plain water.

I think they are a USA thing ?
I asked about them her in UK and Tbh I thought they made sense
But nobody had heard of them I was told shower head and avoid baths of any kind as I'd be sitting in I fiction or
Irritate the track and wound but baths would be ok gain after few months

I'm just confused this entire experience has drained me mentally and physically
Please use whatever provides relief and helps you
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Garrod » 01 Aug 2015, 02:12

Brians, I believe it's difficult and frustrating...
Sitz baths are usually advised and I am surprised they don't know about it. I don't have the proper one, from the farmacy, I just use the plastic basin!
Sitting in the warm water, especially with antiseptic in it, will clean the wound and calm the muscles, not irritate them. After BM you can change the water ofter so as not to sit it 'dirt'..
I know you must be getting confused, with different advice, but I am very surprised they don't know about them and the seton! I'm not trying to make you do something your doctors and nurses don't recommend, but maybe you can give it one try and see how it feels...
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Brians » 09 Aug 2015, 19:35

It's cool .
I'm just of the opinion now that medics in general don't care about fistulas becacuse they are such difficult things to treat ,
I've been told so many contradictions and treated like a 5yr old by patronising medics my
Trust is non existent now .

Please use sitz baths
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Savaici » 09 Aug 2015, 20:42

Don't know who you asked about Sitz Baths, Brians, but they are available on I am from the UK...

This Forum - and its volunteers - go out of their way to help others. We too have had terrible pain and doctors who don't appear to give a f$:k. That is why we suggest using the search facility that you can find (under the photo, between FAQ and Portal) where you can search by topic. Search and you shall probably find!!

There is at least one person on here who has been through what you're going through, and others who have endured such things as double flap surgery and skin grafts. Garrod had the surgery you had and would say that her advice is heartfelt. And advice is all that we can give you.
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Brians » 26 Aug 2015, 18:32

I've been an idiot .
No excuse I apologise
I had no right to act like a bull in a china shop .
It won't happen again you have my word .
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby antonia » 27 Aug 2015, 10:11

I would say do the shower massage. you are not going to hurt anything. run it all over the area - I use the forceful setting, and then after cleaning tub with a spray cleaner, I take ANOTHER BATH. add the coconut oil. I promise you this will get you clean. It is a laborious habit, but it will work and this will all seem like a memory.
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Scientist2516 » 28 Aug 2015, 09:44

Hi Brians,
I looked at the Boots website and found this ... et_981226/

I would not call it a bidet, since a bidet should have running water. This is what we call a sitz bath. Looks like you have to order it online.
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Re: How to keep clean? Please advise

Postby Brians » 29 Aug 2015, 19:42

Thanks ,
I think it's a case of lost in translation sits vs sitz ?
As I said nurses hadn't heard of it but then some hadn't heard of a seton either .

Again thanks and apologies to anyone who thought I personally didn't recommend using one I merely repeated what I was told and I assure you all my trust of medical staff is at rock bottom (pardon the pun )
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