how you keep your mind off the pain

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how you keep your mind off the pain

Postby Jamesscott96 » 04 May 2017, 05:57

straight after bm im usually left crippled with stabbing pains etc so i sit indoors, i was wondering if anyone else does small hobbie to keep there mind off things as much as they can, i personally make alot of music and have always done since i was 17 but i have been doing it alot more since my fissure i find it can even put me in a hype mood. which is soooooo sooo fluffing helpful with a fissure ( well i feel it is ) i also modify games but bored of being a modder.

i had a oppertunity to work with harry shotta in the studio near mine where i used to work to teach kids how to make music. but i was to ill at that stage to even get in a car . but i regret not going bigtime never the less i still planning on going back to working in the studio , as we have alot of troubles youth here in the uk who needs guiding in the correct direction.

anyway guys if you aint got a small hobbie already whilest in pain i suggest you find 1, as that can be a make or break for some people

heres one of the songs i have been working on in the past 2 days since been ill it has helped my pain not be so in my face its dnb btw remix of uptown top ranking ( music is my addiction ) almost as much as i need air lol ... -wip-newer

, i just wanted to give everyone a insight in what i do and hopefully it could help someone else to take there mind of the spasm.. and the pain in general

i rarely share my music as it does mean alot of to me , alot of my friends like it tho i made this 1 originally for my mum as she likes original as do i

:) lee / liam
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