I am healing!!!!

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I am healing!!!!

Postby Pipyeah777 » 04 Jun 2022, 15:17

Hey guys I’m not trying to put the cart before the horse but I have dealing with this AF since January and it healed and then it came back… Obviously that happens. It seem like it was very slow going to heal itself again since it healed in early May, superficially as we all know you have to be careful. I blame the fact that I was ready to be over and done with it and being super overzealous… Decided to do some yoga and ended up stretching my butt hole so yeah you know how it goes so there we are back at square one well not square one maybe square four as it wasn’t as bad as before, but def was annoying and depressing.

I tried the creams and stuff tbst I used before but it really wasn’t doing much for me and I just happened to stumble upon Amerigel. I really want to strongly recommend this because it seems like the second day I used if, I could feel a significant difference to my af. It had a puffiness to it before and I could feel that pile beside it and it started to feel flat and a little bit rough that like a scab actually at first it kind of bubbled up like a little blister and then it had a pop to it which was not painful and then now it’s like totally healing it’s really weird I have no idea what that was about I even made a post about it… But it is fucking working. Today is day four and I can barely feel it, though I know it’s still there. I have a slight itch, But I don’t feel any pile and no swelling or no pain…. it’s completely flat… So this is the time to totally baby the hell out of my ass as I have been doing. Anyone who has had a heal and reopen needs to try this. It’s a thick paste which stays put and I have to say that I feel like this might do the trick if I am careful and keep up with miralax and eating the right foods and being extremely gentle….. Anyway I just wanted to put that out there again because I know we are all so desperate to get these things healed. I got the gel off of Amazon it’s definitely worth looking in to if you are having a hard time healing or it’s a heal and reopen situation for months like mine. This gel is for crazy deep wounds in diabetic feet and bedsores and things like that so my logic was that obviously this has to work for an af. Diabetic feet have horrible bloodflow this is why the wounds don’t heal on the feet… So I just made so much sense to me to try some thing like this… Anyway this is a very long post but hopefully it will be worth reading for someone suffering.
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Re: I am healing!!!!

Postby Mich21 » 04 Jun 2022, 18:44

Yay!! So happy for you!! I just ordered Amerigel, I hope it works for me too!!
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Re: I am healing!!!!

Postby Pipyeah777 » 10 Jun 2022, 13:24

I hope it does too. So far for me it’s almost gone in the terms of it’s not an open wound, but it’s a slit like almost a wrinkle that you can almost see where it’s growing back together as opposed to it being that signature upside down teardrop shape. It’s not a fleshy wound anymore, but I have a ways to go as they are always east to reopen, so I’m just being extremely careful, but this stuff seems to have made all the difference. I’m just going to continue using it until it’s gone and even after. Just hope my colonoscopy in a month doesn’t make things worse. After all this time and stress.
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Re: I am healing!!!!

Postby Rich44 » 10 Jun 2022, 16:15

Good for you Pipyeah!
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