by Jds123110 » 31 Oct 2017, 16:23
Hi I'm a mess. I had a fissure 8 years ago and it went away. I have always been an itchy mess down there. I have put up with hemorrhoids and itchiness for years. I would go to the bathroom and I would wipe and wipe and wipe and poop would still be there. I would start to bleed and the poop would still be there. I had a hemorrhoid banded last year and I had pruritis ani also. After the banding I got a steroid for the pruritis ani. Well everything healed and it was awesome. I would only have to wipe maybe 2 times and that was it. I was great for about 4 months and then little by little the itchiness came back. I would be wiping more and more. I'm back to square one. In some was I'm worse. I have a fissure again. The Dr gave me Rectiv and it gave me a headache in about 2 minutes and dizziness. So then he gave me nifedipine. I am so itchy with it. I wake up like 4 times a night scratching away like a mad man. I need help> i'm in such pain. Any suggestions? It's mostly the itchiness. If I can get past that I might be able to heal. Thank you in advance.