I can't stop the iching. In tons of pain.

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I can't stop the iching. In tons of pain.

Postby Jds123110 » 31 Oct 2017, 16:23

Hi I'm a mess. I had a fissure 8 years ago and it went away. I have always been an itchy mess down there. I have put up with hemorrhoids and itchiness for years. I would go to the bathroom and I would wipe and wipe and wipe and poop would still be there. I would start to bleed and the poop would still be there. I had a hemorrhoid banded last year and I had pruritis ani also. After the banding I got a steroid for the pruritis ani. Well everything healed and it was awesome. I would only have to wipe maybe 2 times and that was it. I was great for about 4 months and then little by little the itchiness came back. I would be wiping more and more. I'm back to square one. In some was I'm worse. I have a fissure again. The Dr gave me Rectiv and it gave me a headache in about 2 minutes and dizziness. So then he gave me nifedipine. I am so itchy with it. I wake up like 4 times a night scratching away like a mad man. I need help> i'm in such pain. Any suggestions? It's mostly the itchiness. If I can get past that I might be able to heal. Thank you in advance.
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Re: I can't stop the iching. In tons of pain.

Postby patience_and_healing » 01 Nov 2017, 00:27

Welcome to the forum and sorry that you're suffering so much with this! If you have a fissure, it's time to dump the dry toilet paper. Get yourself a portable bidet or attach one to the tank supply. I have the latter one. Then you can wash with ease and only dab once or twice in the end to dry off. Make sure the skin is fully dry before applying ointment. The ointment is most likely a base of Vaseline which locks in moisture. You can use a hairdryer on cooling mode to dry off fully. Warm sitz baths may also ease the sensations. Hopefully these things might help with some of the itching.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
On and off in pelvic physical therapy
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