I'm home!!

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I'm home!!

Postby owmybum » 15 Jun 2013, 01:01

:{':Well, I'm home.... And the surgery was.......... Botox. No fissurectomy, no flap. Just a bit of a stretch and Botox.
Mr Windsor was lovely, and explained he would do the absolute minimum required to me, as I said I had been doing really well pain wise lately. He said if he got in there and things looked like they were healing, then he wouldn't want to put me back to square one with a fissurectomy.
I didn't get to see him after surgery, as he was operating all day, so I think I will try and email him, as I am very interested to hear about what he actually saw down there.. Was it big? Was it healing? Etc.
My 3hr journey home turned into a 4.5hr traffic nightmare... But I was safely tucked up in the back with pillows and a blanket and slept through most of it. I'm not great after an anaesthetic, but I had warned them and they gave me anti sickness meds, and I wasn't as bad as last time.
I felt very sore after the procedure.. Even with pain meds.. But this morning I don't feel as bad. I'm not looking forward to my first bm.. Although I only had a banana and a few mouthfuls of ice cream yesterday..and that was a struggle.
I sort of feel like I have been kicked up the bum... Very puffy and swollen.
Any tips on the first few days post Botox would be great fully received.!!
Thank you all for your well wishes and support... It actually made me cry when I just read them all.. (I blame it on the anaesthetic!). You will never realise how much it helps to have this kind of support....I am so grateful I stumbled on this place and all of you!!
ImageImage    ImageImageImage
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby Ever the Optimist » 15 Jun 2013, 03:33

Good morning OMB!! - Great to see you are back!!!!!
So happy to read that you are home safely, despite the long ride and now tucked up in your own bed resting.....:)
I've no doubts Mr Windsor treated you in the best way he felt necessary and to actually come out with Botox is pretty good going!! Obviously your fissure must be a lot less worse than imagined and he has obviously done what he feels best to help your healing recovery. That is actually fantastic news and recovery from Botox will be so much easier & quicker then anything else he could have done!! Hoping Rachael & others will pop in to reassure you soon of the after effects of that procedure....
Rest up the best you can, stay on top of the pain meds and get the family running around after your every need!!!
So happy to read of your outcome and to see you back & look forward to joining you in your updates and hopefully to read you are now well on your way to recovery and sunnier days xxxxx Image
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Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby JHH » 15 Jun 2013, 04:17

First 3 days after botox I was sore. No burning or spasms, just sore. I have written about it in my botox thread. I didnt use painkillets.
- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby Deleted User 2543 » 15 Jun 2013, 08:08

Welcome home OMB, 
Hope your not feeling too bad today. My biggest fear was first BM too (I had the Botox done twice before LIS) it really wasn't that bad compare to pain before Botox. It took about 10days for Botox to really kick in for me everybody's different. I hope it kicks in for you shortly.  My first round lasted  8mths. 
Just take it nice & easy for few days just like I am 😊
Take care x
Deleted User 2543

Re: I'm home!!

Postby Luka » 15 Jun 2013, 10:48

Welcome back, OMB. :)Glad to hear you only needed Botox and not something more complicated. I really hope this works for you and fully heals you. Take it easy and feel better soon! Image All the best!
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby marg6043 » 15 Jun 2013, 10:55

owmybum, nice to hear from you again you kind of have us worry but I remember that you have to drive for many hours.
I am glad that perhaps the doctor didn't see your fissure as bad as you think and that is why he opted for botox and dilation, that means your recovery will be faster.
I am soo happy you are resting and taking things easy.
My doctor told me ones that the smallest thing usually are the ones to feel the worst.Image
I wish you a fast and easy recovery.
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby Rachael 1984 » 15 Jun 2013, 14:44

Hello OMB, glad you are okay! I was thinking about you yesterday! I am sure Mr Windsor has taken the best option with your Fissure. I was sore for a good week, and the Botox took a few weeks to kick in. I was told to keep the area clean with plain warm water in the bath, then keep dry. Pat or use a hairdrier, as the injection sites can get infected(very slim chance). Baby it back there as you always do, and it will be fine. I took Naproxen painkillers, but I also had those Hems banded, so the first BM was uncomfortable! I wouldn't lubricate for a good few days, just incase the injection sites get clogged. Hope you will heal now, keep us posted.Image
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby owmybum » 16 Jun 2013, 04:21

Day 2
Had the dreaded first bm this morning. It felt really weird.. Like it just dropped out. Anyway, I feel pretty uncomfortable now. Sore, stingy.... Plus all the messing around down there has started my period off a week early, so I have a very crampy tum today too. I actually feel worse today than I did yesterday!! What's going on there then?
Anyway, just cleaned with warm water and cotton wool after bm, then had a nice warm bath. I haven't put any creams on atall... Not sure what or if I should??
I'm off back to sleep now... Just can't keep my eyes open!! Lol
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby Ever the Optimist » 16 Jun 2013, 04:48

AW bless you Image
Day by Day! That first BM is not easy after all the pushing, prodding and work that's been going on down there but it'll get better.
Yes, periods are a real pain too - brought on early or delayed late by stress, so not very helpful for you right now either.
I think anesthesia has a lot to do with the delayed discomfort. I remember feeling on top of the world after having it after my previous experiences, then bang day 2/ 3 later, I bumped back down to reality and actually felt very tearful and low too. My mum assured me it was a side effect of the stuff.......
Keep being gentle to yourself and rest, rest, rest. You can start worrying about other stuff when you feel stronger again....Not sure about whether you should be applying anything or not after Botox but I'm sure someone will let you know soon xxxx
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
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Re: I'm home!!

Postby Rachael 1984 » 16 Jun 2013, 06:34

Hello OMB,
Oh, that dreaded first BM.Image You are doing the right thing resting up.I was awful after the anesthetic too... sick as a dog, sweaty and teary!! and my bottom felt like it had been grated with a cheese grater. Take care of yourself. I know JHH is using Nitro and Dilt after his Botox injections, but i didn't up until a few weeks ago. You could always check with the CRS. Sending my healing wishes.Image
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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