Mr Windsor was lovely, and explained he would do the absolute minimum required to me, as I said I had been doing really well pain wise lately. He said if he got in there and things looked like they were healing, then he wouldn't want to put me back to square one with a fissurectomy.
I didn't get to see him after surgery, as he was operating all day, so I think I will try and email him, as I am very interested to hear about what he actually saw down there.. Was it big? Was it healing? Etc.
My 3hr journey home turned into a 4.5hr traffic nightmare... But I was safely tucked up in the back with pillows and a blanket and slept through most of it. I'm not great after an anaesthetic, but I had warned them and they gave me anti sickness meds, and I wasn't as bad as last time.
I felt very sore after the procedure.. Even with pain meds.. But this morning I don't feel as bad. I'm not looking forward to my first bm.. Although I only had a banana and a few mouthfuls of ice cream yesterday..and that was a struggle.
I sort of feel like I have been kicked up the bum... Very puffy and swollen.
Any tips on the first few days post Botox would be great fully received.!!
Thank you all for your well wishes and support... It actually made me cry when I just read them all.. (I blame it on the anaesthetic!). You will never realise how much it helps to have this kind of support....I am so grateful I stumbled on this place and all of you!!