Day 3Bm today was very soft.. Maybe I need to adjust the movicol. I normally take 1 dose in the morn and 1/2 at night.. But since the op have been having 1 morn and 1 at night. Lets just say I nearly didn't make it... But am so numb I didn't realise!!
Still feel very sore and stingy... Yes Rachael.... The cheese grater effect! Am thinking I may just put a dab of sudocream on later??
Still feel weak after the anaesthetic too..... I really don't get on with them atall.. Still feel like I could sleep and sleep!
I am eating light. Yoghurt, veg soup, chicken and veg, that sort of thing... And making sure I drink plenty.
I just really want this to work.... I need an end to the last two years of living with a fissure. I will do everything I can to aid myself in that recovery.