This is my first post and I had a Fistula-in-Ano and a colorectal surgeon laid it open and said she fully cleaned it because it went through the sphincter muscle a tiny amount. I am two weeks into having done the surgery and normally the dressing is changed everyday. But day before yesterday the packing was changed after 2 days and it was quite smelly so the nurse took a swab and the result said bacteria might be growing?!?! I am now taking antibiotics but I have no pain or anything and I feel normal. Could this be a infection and if so will taking antibiotics cure the infection and continue it heeling or will I lead into more troubles?
Also the nurse said it is healing more slowly than expected but she is saying it looks good ('pinkish' colour although today she said it looks a bit red) but my mum says there is no cavity now and the skin just needs to cover. I thought these things heal slowly, am I correct?
And I see every person who post about their recovery of Fistula surgery using Sitz baths and using a shower head to clean after going to the toilet, but I have been told not to get the wound wet and just use baby wipes to clean after toilet. I use Saline Liquid on tissue and use to clean it with baby wipes. The wound is getting packed I don't know if this is the reason?
Lastly, when I go the toilet, there is still blood when i dab to wipe on the baby wipes. Is this normal (The wound goes to right outside the anus)?. And there is still liquid when the dressing gets changed but the nurse poked around and nothing came out (I was worried wound might get affected). Is this normal?
This is my first experience with this, hopefully this is the end of it as this is my last year of GCSE. The surgeon also looked at the colon I think but i am not sure and she said everything is fine.
Edit - How come I never had any pain whatsoever after the surgery while other people had? My wound is 6cm long and 4cm wide but gets narrows as it goes.