Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

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Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Harry123 » 19 Nov 2012, 17:14

This is my first post and I had a Fistula-in-Ano and a colorectal surgeon laid it open and said she fully cleaned it because it went through the sphincter muscle a tiny amount. I am two weeks into having done the surgery and normally the dressing is changed everyday. But day before yesterday the packing was changed after 2 days and it was quite smelly so the nurse took a swab and the result said bacteria might be growing?!?! I am now taking antibiotics but I have no pain or anything and I feel normal. Could this be a infection and if so will taking antibiotics cure the infection and continue it heeling or will I lead into more troubles?
Also the nurse said it is healing more slowly than expected but she is saying it looks good ('pinkish' colour although today she said it looks a bit red) but my mum says there is no cavity now and the skin just needs to cover. I thought these things heal slowly, am I correct?
And I see every person who post about their recovery of Fistula surgery using Sitz baths and using a shower head to clean after going to the toilet, but I have been told not to get the wound wet and just use baby wipes to clean after toilet. I use Saline Liquid on tissue and use to clean it with baby wipes. The wound is getting packed I don't know if this is the reason?
Lastly, when I go the toilet, there is still blood when i dab to wipe on the baby wipes. Is this normal (The wound goes to right outside the anus)?. And there is still liquid when the dressing gets changed but the nurse poked around and nothing came out (I was worried wound might get affected). Is this normal?
This is my first experience with this, hopefully this is the end of it as this is my last year of GCSE. The surgeon also looked at the colon I think but i am not sure and she said everything is fine.
Edit - How come I never had any pain whatsoever after the surgery while other people had? My wound is 6cm long and 4cm wide but gets narrows as it goes.
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby richibeno » 19 Nov 2012, 22:56

hey harry .yes these can take months to heal over ,its good thats its shallow now ,you may have an infection so the antibiootics will help that ,
eat well keep you no2s soft ,drin k loads of water
how did you get your fistula ,did you have an abscess
keep us ,updated
good luck
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Diamond » 21 Nov 2012, 09:02

A "red" wound is a good thing! My nurse always refers to mine as "beefy red" - and that's always a positive sign of healing.
I am 5 weeks post surgery and I still have some blood and discharge, especially after going to the toilet. I had two wounds and one of them came to the surface very quickly - but I would say it's taking forever for the skin to heal over.
Definitely keep an eye on anything that smells funny. Hopefully the antibiotics are working on your infection.
Everyone handles pain differently - so don't worry too much about not being in pain. I'm assuming you were asked not to take sitz baths due to your infection.
If you don't have a seton placed - hopefully the fistulotomy will fix things - it doesn't sound too bad especially if there is no depth or real cavity remaining.
Good luck with your healing - and I wish I could go back to the days of my GCSEs :)
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Ever the Optimist » 21 Nov 2012, 15:19

Hi Harry,
Some great advice from the above posters!
It sounds to me like you may have had an infection, but considering you have no pain now, the anti biotics are probably doing their job and should clear things up. I would recommend you take a pro-biotic after taking them to replenish the good bacteria in your system.
Red is good! and yes, the healing process varies per individual but it takes a while. You are very fortunate not to have any accompanying pain - a rare thing but something to be very happy about! The fistula has to heal properly from the bottom up, so it's just a case of being patient and being careful to maintain all the good stuff you are doing right now to keep those stools soft as soft.
Blood from the wound is also totally normal and it's a good sign that the blood is flowing well to the area. That can last a few weeks but as long as its not gushing, it's normal and the discharge too, so don't worry about that. That can also last a while depending on the original fistula size.
I'm not sure why you've been advised not to use water for cleaning? but I have heard this from another poster previously. Might be just worth querying the reason for that....maybe it's something to do with the packing. Not sure.
Anyway, heal soon! You are young and fit, so shouldn't be too long for you hopefully. Cor, I was the first year to sit the GCSE's when they first came in! and that's going back a few years now :)
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Harry123 » 21 Nov 2012, 18:43

Thanks guys, It really helps when there is people there to support you :).
And I think this all started when I got constipated because blood was on stool after that and I think where it was damaged got infected. I did notice an abscess I think but it just bursts away so I didn't really worry too much.

Nurse said the wound looks much better now after taking antibiotics and somehow there is no blood on tissue now after taking the antibiotics. I am due to see the doctor next week Tuesday.
My nurse said I should take a shower tomorrow.
Its been nearly 3 weeks since surgery so does this sound reasonable?
I wish all of you good luck on healing and curing this for good :) Sorry for all the questions, I just like to know everything because this is my first time with a thing like this.
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Harry123 » 09 Dec 2012, 04:17

Today I had blood in tissue and on the water after going to the toilet after 3-4 weeks. It was quite a lot I think. What can it be? I am really scared :(
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby richibeno » 09 Dec 2012, 12:24

hey harry
if you think somthing is wrong get it checked out ,you may just have a torn it a little any pain ect
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Harry123 » 09 Dec 2012, 13:58

Hi richi,
I haven't got pain or anything but I went to the hospital to get it dressed and asked for some antibiotics just incase.
Thanks for the fast reply :)
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Re: Infection after Fistula Surgery?!?

Postby Katie » 14 Feb 2017, 13:08

I had my fistula op 4 weeks ago this Thursday and mine was never packed! And I could have a bath the day after the op! My wound is from my fistula which I can't see I also have a fisure and she removed a large skin tag it huts a little when going to the toliet and for a little bit after! I'm scared I will not heal but I guess it takes time I'm not due to see my surgon again until may I also had bottox done
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