intro by newbie

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intro by newbie

Postby jonestowne » 23 Sep 2011, 11:11

yeah, som this has been going on for months. have had hemmeroids in and ex ternal. blood (couple teaspoons, at least) in toilet after BM for years now. but for the last couple months i've had this fissure. i find the pain so intense, i often marvel at it. i deal with pain from other conditions, have for years. nerve damage, herniated discs, deg dis disease, etc.; so i sometimes can barely move or sleep or anything. the level of discomfort that accompanies the pain is amazing. i think about it as similar to carrying a compact 20 lb weight up some stairs. easy peasy. but spread that weight out over an awkward shape (like a table), you gonna need some help, due to the awkwardness that accompanies the weight. same with a fissure, i feel...if i had a fissure on my hand, okay, i can deal...put the same fissure in ur butt and zow. you can't NOT use ur anus fer a bit. furthurmore, it's not so embarassing to have a fissure on your hand, but your butt. i avoid even discussing it with my doc. it becomes a dirty lil secret, with gigantic repercussions. oh, and trying to explain to co werkers/friends why it's so hard to sit, get up and's werser than any spinal probs or nerve damage, fersure. anyway thank you for being here, it's not an easy topic to just slip into casual conversation. currently using nitro ointment (if ur getting bad headaches try lowering the amount just slightly), benzocaine, vasaline, sitz baths, witch hazel (to shrink external hemmies), fibre rich diet, lots of water... it all makes it a little more manageable, but it's not getting any better. starting lidocaine today, kinda scared.
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Re: intro by newbie

Postby val » 23 Sep 2011, 11:51

Hi there, welcome on board! At least you have people who you can talk openly to now! It is a very embarrassing condition - although actually, once you start to talk about it to friends, I've found it isn't so embarrassing, although no-one really understands unless they've had one.
Have you thought about having LIS? It's a very simple little surgery, and could end all the pain for you.
You need to be referred to a colo-rectal surgeon.
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