intro to my problem

intro to my fissure

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intro to my problem

Postby nickurquizu » 27 Nov 2017, 16:56

guys i searched for “anal fissure forum 2017” because i want to help people dealing with this problem. i experienced the worst pain. i am pretty sure it is the worst pain in the world having an anal fissure. many people dont u lnderstand how painful it is, and i want to help people because i know when i had it i was looking eveywhere on the internet for answers. my fissure has finally healed. no more excruciating pain. i was in a lot of pain 2-3 weeks ago. i was freaking out because it would not heal for weeks. just know there is hope. i also had a hypertrophied anal papilla sentile pile and it scared me because internet says this means its a chronic fissure. what helped was seeing a dr. and getting lidocaine prescribed to get rid of the bad pain. taking an extremelt hot bath helped a lot. i would take really hot baths 2-7 times a day when the pain was bad. this really is the best treatment. make the bath tub as hot as you can take it, and keep it very hot. the heat seems to numb the pain or at least provide temporarily relief . everytime there is pain get back in the tub with that hot water!!! if you have to work during the day you are f*%^+#!!!! you need to be in that tub all day to speed up the healing process. there is really no other cure. get in that bath!!!!
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Re: intro to my problem

Postby Anne2017 » 30 Nov 2017, 11:40

Hi there. Warm to very warm water. For me too a good relief from the worst possible pain.
And, 5-6x times a day a hot bath helped to cure my AF. I’m sure of it. I had a relapse 6 weeks ago, I’m now back to my normal self. Nitro cream, no straining and frequent (hot) baths. A plastic Bidet might help when you are not at home. Check Amazon.
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