by Okaybum » 12 Jan 2019, 16:44
French toast isn't bad but I'd pair it up with some fruit.
Also, fresh Peaches and pears are perfect right now just wait until they are soft. They assist with bowel movements. Apples are good too
Overall food is good. Maybe too good. But that just depends on your level of gas and if it's making you sore.
Food: I'd avoid corn. It doesn't digestso it will come out rough.
Alcohol: my worst pain is generally felt the morning after drinking a glass. Personally, I'd cut it out but that's from my experience.
Water: I'd aim for at least 3 litres.
Medicine: at the end of the day, I don't think your dosage is cutting it. I advise either Movicol or Docusate Sodium or a combination. To stop hard tips in the morning, I take a dose of movicol at 4-5;30pm and then a low dose of the small docusate sodium after dinner.
If you have constipating days, then I recommend drinking warm prune juice, half a glass to keep things moving.
Hope that helps.