Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

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Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby Kahra » 24 Jun 2010, 14:18

At the end of April I was put on cymbalta for my depression which in turn made me go through 3 weeks of constipation. Then I got sick with a stomach virus that gave me diarrhea but I noticed alot of blood in the toilet with it which freaked me out. I then noticed some blood in the toilet paper when I would wipe twice a week after a bm and this past week I started noticing some pus ooze out.
I went to the doctor and she did a rectal exam and said she felt a fissure. A WHAT I asked?? She said it was no big deal that it would heal on its own and sent me home with a prescription for proctofoam. She didnt really explain much about it.
Ive been using the proctofoam and bought tucks for a week but I still have the dull ache, mild itching and pus that i see when I wipe with toilet paper. Itching is worse when I get hot from being outside.
My question is should I be on antibiotics for the pus and is pus normal to have with a fissure????
Thank you.
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 24 Jun 2010, 14:43

Hi Kahra and welcome! Image
I got my fissure after a bout of *severe* diarrhea brought on by a stomach virus.
After about three weeks of pain, I went to my GP. Then my story proceeds exactly like yours, the difference being my doctor *saw* the fissure rather than "felt" it. He tended to ignore THAT and said I had a hemorrhoid and prescribed, you got it, proctofoam.
The proctofoam was worthless, and if you research AF on the internet, you'll find it, basically, nowhere as a treatment. I think it is for hemorrhoids. I'm not telling you not to use it, just a heads up that too many GPs really don't know how to treat AF and prescribe things like proctofoam and hydrocortisone suppositories, which as a rule don't help.
I think the antibiotic for the pus discharge is probably a GOOD idea, as it is a sign of infection which, down there, can lead to a fistula or other serious problems.
Hopefully you'll read through the threads and see what it really takes to treat AF ... here is a thread that has lots of good information to begin...
Deleted User 5

Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby cherylk » 24 Jun 2010, 16:59

I wanted to say "welcome." I have never b/4 heard that Cymbalta causes constipation. I took the A/D Lexapro for about 1 1/2 years, and it had no noticeable effect on my digestive system. I don't think it is normal to have pus with an AF.
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby Fissulyna » 25 Jun 2010, 15:28

So sorry to hear all of that : (((...
No, pus discharge is definitely not normal Image
Hope you will find a doctor who will treat your condition with appropriate meds and procedures : ((
Wishing you all the best Image
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby Kahra » 26 Jun 2010, 11:24

Thanks everyone. I called my GP and the nurse said she had called in a prescription for me. I found out that it was a steriod pack but I dont know why she doesnt send me antibiotics. Its Saturday and I still got some pus today when I wipe (gross sorry).
I tried calling the drs office today but they are closed. My husband wants me to start taking a packet of amoxicillin that we have at the house but I dont feel comfortable with that. I guess I'll wait until monday and call again. Why doesnt she feel that I need antibiotics??
I am so scared of getting a fistula or sepsis. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and I am so stressed out over this imaging that I am going to die and that every second that goes by I am making whatever infection I have worse.... Im not scared of the blood or pain of the fissure I am scared of the pus because I dont know how to fix that part.
I am so grateful for this site and all your help. Hope everyone has a good and painless weeked.
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby cherylk » 26 Jun 2010, 12:15

Given your fears, could you go to a prompt care this weekend so as not to suffer from extra worry, which will not help your situation one bit???
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 26 Jun 2010, 14:29

Oh Kahra! Image
Do try to relax! :D As bad as the pain can be, and even with the worst-case scenario with the "pus" (which is really in all probability JUST a minor infection -- no way are you going even come close to dying from all this, not even remotely close.
AND if you wait a couple days, the infection will not progress to any degree until Monday, it will still be fully treatable *if* your doctor feels you need the antibiotics. I think sepsis is highly unlikely, and if you did get a fistula, it is treatable!!
Just wanted to calm your fears, please don't dwell on such things, I wouldn't let a little pus worry me too much, especially as it really hasn't been treated yet.
Deleted User 5

Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby Kahra » 26 Jun 2010, 20:14

Thank you kim and cherylk for taking the time to give me your advice. You made me feel better. Im not taking anything for my anxiety since i stopped the cymbalta so its really hard right now. I got on cymbalta for my anxiety because zoloft had stopped working.
I will go on Monday and see what happens. I will try and stay alive until then hahaha... Image
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby cherylk » 26 Jun 2010, 23:36

Could you try Lexapro for anxiety??
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Re: Is pus discharge normal to have with a fissure?

Postby james77u77 » 02 May 2016, 10:52

Please help me,
After 3 days of anal fissure operation(surgery), I'm getting little pain again & also pus is discharging with bad smell.
Please anyone tell me what can be the issue?
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