Can chia seeds pass thru fistula?

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Can chia seeds pass thru fistula?

Postby Deleted User 7072 » 15 Feb 2019, 23:14

Hi all. I made a post in the general forum about being scared about a skin tag near my anus. I had it examined by my GP and she thought it was a skin tag, but the day after she looked at it, it burst. This was last Wednesday. At the time I examined the pus that came out and there were these odd little cores that were attached in the middle, almost looking like chia seeds.

Now, I have no idea if I have a fistula or not or WHAT this even is... but I've read that stool can pass through fistulas... and I have been eating chia seeds... would it be CRAZY to assume that a chia seed could theoretically pass through if I had a fistula? Or is that dumb?

I'm pretty wild with anxiety right now so not really sure WHAT to think...
Last edited by Deleted User 7072 on 28 Aug 2020, 04:13, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 7072

Re: Is this insane? Can chia seeds pass thru fistula?

Postby Dimitri71 » 16 Feb 2019, 02:41

Hi FeelinDesperate!
These things are really worrisome, so I really understand where you are coming from.
It's very difficult to make a diagnosis from what you are describing.
As I've had a fistula in the past, food could pass through it.
I would advise you to go SAP to a colorectal specialist. Only they can really figure out what's going on and put you at ease. Even if it is a fistula, the earlier you catch it the better!
Good luck with everything and don't despair! There is always some solution for this type of problem.
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