It hurts so much


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It hurts so much

Postby IFuckingHurt » 03 Jul 2018, 20:40

Hey, I’m 17 a years old male and I’ve had constipation for probably two months now. The fissure(s) appeard the first week. One night after going to the toilet the pain was so bad I sat in my bed all night just waiting for daylight. The pain faded eventually and I was able to at least get some sleep.

I told my mom about the problem and I scheduled to see my doctor 3 days later. She examined my rectum with a glove (this was only hours after I had another painful toilet tour), and although me laying there screaming in pain, she concluded that i had “internal damage.” She prescribed me medecine for hemeroids and some laxetives. I used these meds as described for a long time, and my issue just kept getting worse. I hated going to the toilet, because I knew it was gonna hurt so badly I almost pass out, so I sometimes held it in. But at times I couldn’t resist the laxatives, and although my stool being completely soaked, it still hurt.

I went to see my doctor again, and this time I was forwarded to a specialist and got a more “targeted” laxative. I went to go see the specialist, and before taking a look inside, he said he noticed some “fissures.” Now I had internal damage (hemmeroids?) and fissures? Nevertheless, when he started looking inside he didn’t get very far because it hurt so much for me. He cancelled, and instead contacted a local hospital which would perform the same procedure (a rectoscopy I believe), just since it’s a hospital, they’re allowed to give me a sedative which makes me sleep during it.

A week later, still in agony, but what else can I do?, I got a letter from the hospital saying that I will get an appointment within 4 months. 4 months? 4 months I will have to go with this issue? 1 month in and I’m laying in bed at 3:40am with pain having just been to the toilet reevaluating my life, I have no idea what to do.

Going to the toilet scares me, so I hold it in, even though I’m taking laxetives morning and night, it still hurts so much. I try drinking a lot of water too, and I take fiber supplements (pure powdered fiber you take with water, tastes awful).

Even though my stools are wet due to laxatives, it still hurts. Medicine prescribed does not work. I do not know what to do.

Do I just have to mentally challenge myself and just go even though it hurts, and eventually it will heal?

I’m afraid of this becoming a chronic issue (as my doctor warned me about).

What did you do to heal? Well. If you read all this, thanks. I hope to hear about your experience. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy, it’s so damn painful.

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Re: It hurts so much

Postby Worrymaster » 04 Jul 2018, 04:19

Hi there
Sorry to hear what you’re going through, I managed to heal my AF’s in two weeks. My plan was similar to yours, drink lots of water, eat some fibre but don’t over do it, plenty of veg too. Going to the loo is going to be painful but the worse pain should be over in a few days then it should settle. Keep taking the laxative and when you need to go to the loo, get in a squatting position, gross I know but it all just ‘slips out’ much more easily that way! Try to relax as that will help too. As soon as you’re done jump in the shower and target that area to soothe and a warm bath each night helps too. I found the OTC suppositories were good as well. It’s a horrible thing but it will get better, I am suffering at the moment too so I feel your pain! Good luck
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Re: It hurts so much

Postby IFuckingHurt » 04 Jul 2018, 06:17

Worrymaster wrote:Hi there
Sorry to hear what you’re going through, I managed to heal my AF’s in two weeks. My plan was similar to yours, drink lots of water, eat some fibre but don’t over do it, plenty of veg too. Going to the loo is going to be painful but the worse pain should be over in a few days then it should settle. Keep taking the laxative and when you need to go to the loo, get in a squatting position, gross I know but it all just ‘slips out’ much more easily that way! Try to relax as that will help too. As soon as you’re done jump in the shower and target that area to soothe and a warm bath each night helps too. I found the OTC suppositories were good as well. It’s a horrible thing but it will get better, I am suffering at the moment too so I feel your pain! Good luck

Thank you Worrymaster. This whole thing has caused me to spiral into depression, and I hope to get it over as soon as possible. I will try to drink more water and take your tips to make it as less painful as possible.

Again, really appreciate your response.
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