Jax's LIS Diary

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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jax » 09 Jun 2012, 05:07

Day 3
Good morning all. I was finally able to sleep through the night! The night of day1 leading to day2 sucked! But my condition improved as yesterday progressed. I also had 3 BMs that were so soft and watery. It was border line diarrhea. So I backed off the 1.5 cap of miralax and 2 colace pills, to just 1 cap of miralax and 1 colace. We'll see how that works later today. I just want things to be a little more solid so that the clean up is easier. I was also getting alot liquid stool leakage on my dressing. After those BMs I noticed some bleeding from the incision area. Not a lot but the last 3 dressings that I changed had some blood on it.
Come on butt! Please heal well and be looser than before. Image
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby 44alegna44 » 09 Jun 2012, 06:00

Hey Jax,
I'm likin what I'm hearin. Image
Sleep and noticeable progress, very good news. :D
Adjusting the supplement dosage will likely be the key to resuming normal bm's. Sometimes I do wonder if diarrhea for a couple of days after surgery can be a result of the anesthesia...I heard somewhere that some effects still linger in the system and that may factor in to the loose stool. Backing down on your usual doses is a good idea at least until
your system gets back to normal.
Everything else, blood/leakage, totally status-quo as initial post-op symptoms. These may linger for a while, but are 100% normal.
Continue to remain positive and focused on your healing, rest and resist stress at all costs...and your recovery will proceed with progress every day... Image
Best wishes Image
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jr2 » 09 Jun 2012, 08:47

So happy to hear you were able to get some good sleep. Everything is so much easier to cope with when you can sleep, and it's also such an important healing time. The looser stools can also be from things just being looser down there. Without the muscle tension to be slowing things down you have more relaxation to let them flow. So you might find you do better with less stool softener than you perhaps needed before.
Wishing you a speedy recovery and I hope the worst days of surgical recovery pain are over for you now and every minute just gets better and better.
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jax » 11 Jun 2012, 00:35

Day 4
I have nothing much to report today other than things are continuing to heal. I feel no signs of the surgery except when I walk down the steps, sit upright or pee. But other than that there is no more discomfort standing, walking slow, or laying down. The discharge and blood on the dressing has also decreased to a very minimal amount. There is still some liquid stool leakage but its very little. BMs are still uncomfortable due to soreness and the incision location but it's really not bad since my stools are still soft from a cap of Miramax and 1 colace pill. I'm down to one 800mg of ibuprofen and one Percocet every 8 hours.
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jax » 11 Jun 2012, 08:52

Thank you for the continuing support 44alegna44 and jr2. It really means a lot to me. I hope that each of you as well as others are doing well or at least moving in the right direction.
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby 44alegna44 » 11 Jun 2012, 16:08

Hi Jax,
It sounds as though things are moving along, as expected so far, in this phase of your recovery :D If you continue to proceed with caution, slow yet steady when resuming everyday activities (knowing your limits and not over exerting yourself), keep up with the fiber/supplements/water and keeping stress to a bare minimum, I'm sure your healing will continue right on track Image
And please know, we thank you, for sharing the recovery journey with us...it's something so many on this forum may have to face as their reality to healing...and it is so extremely helpful to hear first hand the experiences of those who have gone through this..the good and bad, the ups and downs, the set-backs and successes. Thank you again for allowing us to follow your post surgery updates, feelings and progress Image
Best Wishes for continued healing....
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jax » 11 Jun 2012, 17:30

Thanks Angel,
This experience has definitely made a permanent change in my diet. I will continue to have a healthy amount of vegetables and make sure to stay hydrated ever when I'm stressed out and busy.
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jax » 11 Jun 2012, 17:41

Day 5
Hey all, I am actually sitting upright in a chair right now typing this entry with no pain and just some slight discomfort :D This is a huge moment for me that I have been looking forward to being able to sit since the day of the surgery.
My BM today was formed and soft opposed to the watery stuff that has been coming out in the past few days. I was happy about that. The incision site still burns alittle and itches as I have my BM but it's really nothing. Like I mentioned before i am only taking the 800mg of Ibuprofen right now. I am not sure how long I am suppose to continue taking it since I know it's meant to reduce swelling aside from reducing pain, I'll have to ask my doctor's office tomorrow.
I actually learned some things today as the physician's assistant called to see how I was. He told me that they were actually debating whether or not to perform the LIS procedure as I layed in the OR because it looked like my fissure was healing and that it wasn't too bad. He used the word "superficial." But that's the thing with this fissure, I'll bleed and by the time I see a CRS, it will look healed or in a healing state. But the CRS was able to feel the "spasm," which I am assuming to be tension from the internal sphincter in the area of the fissure and so he did operate. I am so glad he did!!!! because I needed this to either resolve all my issues, or to at least know that i tried before searching for another solution or cause of this bleeding. I have tried all conservative methods in the past year. He also said that they didn't see anything else abnormal in there that could also have caused the bleeding, so I'm glad to hear that. He also said no stitches were put in, which is weird because the nurse claimed that they did. But I trust the PA who was in the operating room at the time of the procedure.
I have been dealing with this fissure for a year. Even though I was never in pain, which explains why it wasn't a deep fissure, it would still bleed a lot once or twice a month even when I was on 1/2 dose of Miralax. I also started getting some burning and weird pressured feelings down in that area. So I wanted this surgery to take care of all that mess. And I hope it still does even though my case wasn't extreme and the CRS was debating whether or not it was needed. Image
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby jax » 14 Jun 2012, 01:38

Day 7
So I haven't posted much in the last 48 hours because nothing exciting has happened, which I guess is a good thing.
Today was the first day that I actually left my house to go out since the day after my surgery to get different pain meds. It was nice to walk around. I didn't drive because I didn't want to push it but sitting in the car was fine, although I braced myself when i saw pot holes up ahead on the road. I also did do some curling yesterday with some bands that I have. I made sure to not strain to the point where I could feel my rear end start to really tense up.
BM continue to be formed and smooth with 1 cap of Miralax a night. I expect to continue this up until by follow up on the 20th. I might decrease the dosage once the incision site begins to stop stinging during a BM. It's not bad, but it does sting a bit.
So far so good from what I can tell. Things definitely feel more relaxed down there. Even though my chronic fissure was superficial, I guess there was still some spasming that was going on that I wasn't fully aware of. I just hope that as I recover, it doesn't get overly tight again. I read in a study that the LIS patient sphincter resting pressure will still be higher than a normal person at the end of 1 year but still permanently lower than pre-op.
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Re: Jax's LIS Diary

Postby 44alegna44 » 14 Jun 2012, 09:59

Hi Jax,
Image You're doing really good being cautious with your activity level this week. Slow yet steady is the best advice for recovery, never surpassing your body's comfort level. Glad you got out, even just a little, it's good therapy for the body and mind!
Keep on keepin on...you're doing great Image !
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