Kenalog with Dr. Feingold

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Kenalog with Dr. Feingold

Postby bungabunga » 26 Jan 2017, 09:52


I've had terrible pain for nearly 3 years. I've had 4 surgeries with 3 different doctors. This week, I just had #5 with Dr. Feingold's kenalog injection. I'm 2 days removed from the procedure, and at least for the time being, I think it might have been a success. My pain level is lower than it was for the last few years....and I'm still just a couple days out from the procedure. I have yet to have a BM, so I know the pain is coming. I think it is possible in my case that my previous doctors were missing a fistula. Dr. Feingold did the Kenalog for my fissure and also removed a fistula.

I'm very much cautiously optimistic, especially because I haven't pooped yet. Also, I'm sure that the fissure can't possibly have healed in just a couple days, so I know there is a long road ahead. I can say that I haven't felt this good after any procedure. Something in me is telling me that this fistula was a major source of pain since my first procedure (which is where I got into the big mess in the first place....but that is another story).

I will keep you all posted to see how the healing goes from the Kenalog with Dr. Feingold.

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Re: Kenalog with Dr. Feingold

Postby bungabunga » 26 Jan 2017, 10:27

Update: just had a BM and pain is only a 2. Fyi, I have been taking colace, vicodin, and toradol since surgery. vicodin i stopped after 4 doses (24 hours) because pain wasn't bad and I didn't want to constipate myself. Still taking the other 2 things.
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Re: Kenalog with Dr. Feingold

Postby Severelydepressed » 26 Jan 2017, 10:59

Glad to hear your BM pain was only a 2, hopefully this is a good sign towards a final recovery! Was the Kenalog injection painful?

Though Dr. Feingold is not my doctor, I had my LIS surgery done last March with Dr. Kiran, the chief of colorectal surgery there, who works with Dr. Feingold. Though I started experiencing a recurrence in my fissure as of last week, Dr. Kiran was the only doctor who gave me seven months of relief. But now I'm at a complete loss and was looking into the Kenalog procedure. I just scheduled an appointment for next week with Dr. Kiran to see what's up.

I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly and that you are pain-free very soon.

Best of luck.
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Re: Kenalog with Dr. Feingold

Postby mandyamiguel » 20 Nov 2018, 21:29

Was the surgery with Dr. Feingold successful in the end? I am considering his Kenalog procedure.
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