by Tryingtorelax » 28 Jun 2019, 21:46
Post Op Day 11
Today was not bad. I had 3 BMs which was not what I’d like as I’d like to have just 1. However, none of them were bad. It hurt to start the first one but that’s it. No pain during, no pain after except that I was sore. Later in the day my muscles started aching. I think I may have been up too much today. All of this pain was very manageable with sitz baths, ice packs, and ibuprofen. I do want others that may have this surgery to know that the drainage I’ve had has been varying/different. Most of the time it is pink tinged like it’s mixed with blood. Very light drainage. Today it was brown tinged like it was mixed with stool and had some...particles?? in it and it smelled like stool too. It was unpleasant and it startled me a bit. But it was not a lot, it was not thick, and it passed quickly. I did do more sitz baths and cleaning with the shower head, more than usual just to make sure I was clean because I was worried about the drainage. It was weird. I’m sure some of you have experienced this maybe?? I just wanted to include that information for people that may experience it also either now or in the future. Thanks to those of you answering my questions and giving me advice!!