by Tryingtorelax » 30 Jun 2019, 21:02
Post Op Day 12
I hate to be a downer but today was not great for me. I know I’ve been mentioning the feeling of not being able to empty my bowels. Before the surgery this was happening and the pressure I felt was by my one of my fissures that also had a connected hemorrhoid. After surgery I did not feel that pressure and I assumed it was because they cauterized the fissure, and removed the hemorrhoid, tag, and papilla. Well today I felt that pressure again and I realized that is what is giving me the feeling of not feeling empty after a bowel movement. I had my first bowel movement this morning which was fine but not a lot and I did not feel empty. My second BM was about an hour later and it was harder and like pellets which confuses me since my first BM was fine. Anyhow. The rest of the day I felt the pressure I mentioned and it drove me nuts. It’s not necessarily painful, just uncomfortable and annoying. Later on this afternoon I had another BM that was near perfect and did not hurt...until after and I had the stinging that I had the first few days after surgery. My fissure was like “hello, I’m still here.” The pressure I felt all day was different after that wasn’t constant like it had been throughout the day. It’s intermittent, I only feel it every now and then. It feels almost like a knot but not a constant knot. It’s weird and I have no idea if it’s normal or not. I’m thinking that all along I was probably emptying my bowels fine but anytime there is any pressure from gas or stool “that’s not quite ready” it’s just pressing on this area which is giving me the feeling of needing to go and not emptying. I’m making assumptions here obviously. I hope someone else chimes in about this...did anyone else experience anything like this with their fissures? I’ve tried searching for it all through the forums and could not find much. I thought I had read somewhere that people had experienced some kind of pressure/knot by their fissure but I can’t find anything now. I hope this gets better and I’m definitely going to ask my doctor about it at my checkup. I just hope he has an answer. I know this recovery has its setbacks but I’m super bummed after feeling so good for a few days.