I too am experiencing leakage this is five months after surgery there is no pain when I make a movement it just leaks a little bit where I have to wear a gauze pad small one after every movement. My CR surgeon thinks that the leakage will stop once it's completely healed but I don't know when it's going to . it's been 5 months he said it was 90% about a month ago but doesn't want to seem to finish healing. He did mention it there is a procedure he could do that would take 5 minutes I would do it on a Friday and go back to work on a Monday but if it's so minor why would
I have to be under anesthesia? I am very leery of having anything else done but at the same time I don't want to go through the rest of my life with a leaking butt. It's not incontinence because
I can hold it until I go it's just afterwards there is some seepage and I have to change my pad out 2 or 3 times a day if I go once. . I'm just wondering if there's any kind of topicals I could use he did try silver nitrate once but it didn't seem to finish it I'm just very very nervous about having to do another procedure down there since the other ones taking forever to heal. I guess the procedure is he would clean out some scar tissue to make it heal faster but I'm not sure it's going to work. I am going to see an immunologist specialist because I was diagnosed with low IGA. to see if that maybe is what's holding up the healing but why would heal at 90% And just stopped healing? I also May seek a second opinion on it before I do anything else. Anyone else have any issues like mine? I really do not want to have any other procedures done, but I also do not want to continue like this. The amount of leakage been about the same for the last 2 months the issue is is that is not getting better and can you guarantee that's going to just stop when it finally heals up?
Thoughts or any help is appreciated thank you