LIS after pain decrease

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LIS after pain decrease

Postby Hpsauxe » 08 Feb 2018, 13:16

Hi, just wanted to get some advice. I have had a fissure since about September, but I didn’t have health insurance so I didn’t get to see a dr till November. I got prescribed rectiv and started using that. I then got insurance and went to see a CRS, who also prescribed me nifedipine. I’ve been using these creams since end of December and the pain when passing stools has decreased considerably. However, I was still getting pain after BMs so I saw my CRS last week and he recommended LIS. The day after I saw him I then experienced no pain at all after BM and it was great! This lasted for about 5 days, but the pain has started up again. I also have a sentinel pile and it feels like the pain is from that, rather than the fissure. Anyway, I guess my question is should I continue with the creams (as they seem to be working slowly) or should I get the surgery? My CRS has said it’s a minor procedure and not painful but reading online I have doubts about that. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Re: LIS after pain decrease

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Feb 2018, 13:33

Our lovely fissures have a nasty habit of pretending they are gone just as we decide to do something about them.
On the other hand LIS while a minor procedure will require rest for a week or so and some people need a bit longer than that to feel better.
Only you can decide what to do and if the creams are working then maybe it’s worth trying them for longer.
Good luck
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Re: LIS after pain decrease

Postby banjobuddy » 09 Feb 2018, 07:27


The way I look at is if you've been suffering with rectal/anal problems for a considerable amount of time (i.e. years), then it probably is a good idea to bite the bullet and have the LIS procedure. I would certainly have it again if the effects of it diminish, despite being one in a zillion patients my CRS operated on to suffer from some serious post-op bleeding (not common!). As MPB has said, it's probably worth trying your current regime for a little bit longer, but knowing the LIS is always there for you if your fissure stubbornly refuses to go.

One thing I would say to anyone having an LIS is to get a sitz bath that will sit in the loo. It's great to soak your behind in following a a bowel motion and gets you nicely clean. Great if you haven't time for a full bath or you only have shower in your bathroom.
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