by Hpsauxe » 08 Feb 2018, 13:16
Hi, just wanted to get some advice. I have had a fissure since about September, but I didn’t have health insurance so I didn’t get to see a dr till November. I got prescribed rectiv and started using that. I then got insurance and went to see a CRS, who also prescribed me nifedipine. I’ve been using these creams since end of December and the pain when passing stools has decreased considerably. However, I was still getting pain after BMs so I saw my CRS last week and he recommended LIS. The day after I saw him I then experienced no pain at all after BM and it was great! This lasted for about 5 days, but the pain has started up again. I also have a sentinel pile and it feels like the pain is from that, rather than the fissure. Anyway, I guess my question is should I continue with the creams (as they seem to be working slowly) or should I get the surgery? My CRS has said it’s a minor procedure and not painful but reading online I have doubts about that. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!