I wanted to provide my account of LIS Surgery and Fissurectomy. Been dealing with a fissure that would always come back for 7 years and this past year was the worst as it wouldn't heal and I had 2 more new tears so I decided enough was enough.
Scheduled surgery and got it done almost 3 weeks ago. Recovery was very tough as a suture that was supposed to fall out never did and created an abscess! I felt worse early on after surgery more so than before and was very discouraged. I was expecting to feel relief a few days after but was in pain and in bed mostly for over a week.
The abscess was found in my first follow up. I probably should of been more aware of this happening but I didn't know if it was just apart of the normal recovery process. The Dr cut out the suture which was extremely painful but he was able to get it done right in his office. I felt a difference right away and while I was very sore, the sharp stabbing pain was gone.
I'm 1 week past that office visit and feel so much better. BMs are almost pain free, just a slight sting at the end but I'm passing normal stools and I'm not in agony!
Some advice for those in my position, afterwards take miralax instead of colace. Colace just doesn't work as well and miralax is just better/more consistent than colace. If you are tired of being in pain, get the surgery. Without my complication I probably would of felt better after a few days instead of the week+ it took me.
Thanks for others sharing info on this board, you encouraged me so I hope to encourage at least 1 other person!