LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 23 Feb 2018, 16:12

Amen sister. I had a natural birth with my daughter and I'd rather do that over fissure pain any day of the week.

If I remember correctly, you walked a bit daily after your LIS. Did you find that to be helpful?
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 Feb 2018, 16:21

I always found walking eased my spasms, although I might have been better if I had waited a few days and rested. I went shopping the morning after surgery. It certainly helped later on though.
Looking back I do wonder why I did that but when you have a lifelong condition like crohns you just get used to doing things while in pain.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 23 Feb 2018, 16:46

I'm so sorry. That's gotta be frustrating to deal with both and then they both affecting eachother and your healing.

I just had my first BM. 25 hours post op. I was pretty nervous because I am super gassy from miralax (it helps my BM consistency but the gas is terrible) and I was scared the pressure would hurt but everything went fine. It wasn't a lot but my stomach feels better and I feel like I kind of ripped the bandaid off the scariest part for me and it went well. I'm in the tub to make sure to get the area clean and soak a bit because i haven't yet and should be doing so. Thanks for listening MPB.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Feb 2018, 04:38

Oh that’s great, that’s the worst bit out of the way.
Yes that’s one thing I should have done more of after my LIS I only had two baths a then I was sick of them...but they really are one of the most important parts of successful healing.
I’m sure you will do great from here and look forward to hearing your successful recovery.
On a side note are you in the UK or US
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby chachacha » 24 Feb 2018, 08:27

Congrats on such a successful first BM! It sounds like all is going well, and as mpb says, those baths (4 a day recommended) really make a difference with regard to how fast, and well, one heals. Keep up the good work!
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 24 Feb 2018, 08:46

MPB and chachacha,
I'll be taking more baths today. I only took one yesterday. My abs and neck are so sore, getting in and out of the tub doesn't sound like fun at all. Honestly that's my biggest complaint so far is how incredibly sore I am. I also have a cough, some wheezing and phlegm--I guess from being intubated. But again, it could be so much worse. I'm thankful that I'm feeling better than I did pre op. I'm waiting on my daughter to wake up and then I'm hopping in the tub!

MPB, I'm in the US--South Texas :) are most people on this board from the U.K.?
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Feb 2018, 09:08

Yes I had a very sore throat for a few days obviously from being intubated. Yes I can imagine if your sore then a tub isn’t the easiest thing to get in and out of. But on the plus side a hot bath will also soothe those aches too.
We seem lucky enough to have a pretty equal spread of members from lots of different countries.
It’s just if your from the U.K. (like me) then healthcare can be a up and get on with it, unfortunately
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 24 Feb 2018, 09:42

Oh yeah, once I'm in there, I can relax. It's just the in and out that's annoying.

Interesting about the healthcare differences! I'm just so thankful to finally have some pain management. They wouldn't give me any pain pills prior to the LIS because they didn't want me to get constipated. It felt like torture. I've never really had constipation issues, so I was willing to the roll the dice for an ounce of reprieve but my doctors weren't. I understand their reasoning, I think I was just going crazy from the amount of pain I was in. Just two days out from surgery and I already feel my sanity coming back! Amazing what a break from pain and a little sleep will do for ya.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby chachacha » 24 Feb 2018, 09:55

There are a lot of differences in how doctors in the UK and US differ (and in Canada, where I am), and one of the oddest that I heard about was that for almost all surgeries in the UK, the patient is required to wear pressure stockings for a week or so after their operations. That is never advised here, except perhaps in patients who have pre-existing conditions such as heart failure, or the surgery itself is heart (or perhaps stroke?) related.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Feb 2018, 10:02

Yes CCC we are advised to do that, I didn’t personally as it’s a 15 min op can’t imagine why I needed to wear them lol.
Also our doctors or the ones I have seen prescribe opiate pain meds and laxatives in equal measure. I was given laxatives on numerous occasions after I told them I had a fissure even after I said I had crohns.
I think they don’t listen to each patient and just go with what is protocol which in a way is understandable as a gp only has 5 mins with a patient and a CRS has ten so not a lot of time really.
Oh tell me about it the first 6 weeks of my fissure docs insisted it was hems and wouldn’t give me anything, I was in agonising pain with spasms lasting 24 hours after a BM, I on,y had pain relief in the tub and couldn’t sleep at all. I understood then for the first time in my life that people could experience a pain so bad that carrying on seemed impossible
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