LIS and stapled hemorrhoidopexy together?

Is it safe to get both LIS and stapled hemorrhoidopexy at the same time?

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LIS and stapled hemorrhoidopexy together?

Postby Mougli » 06 Mar 2018, 23:51

Hi Everyone..

I have been suffering from Internal Hemorrhoids for last 10 years.. But it never hurt and would flare up once in 6 months or so. But last yr, I got a fissure too.. It healed in about 15 days and I got back to normal. In Oct of last year, I started a Keto diet and was severely constipated and both the Hemorrhoids and fissures came back with a vengeance. I have been suffering from pain for last 3 months now and won't go away.

I have tried medications and natural therapies, nothing seems to be helping. I am not able to concentrate on anything since then. I really know why they say "pain in the ass" :cry:

My Surgeon is suggesting to get both Lateral sphincterotomy and stapled hemorrhoidopexy at the same time to get rid of both once and for all. Is getting both Lateral sphincterotomy and stapled hemorrhoidopexy at the same time safe? I cannot imagine the pain with both procedures. I am feeling pretty tensed thinking about it. Kindly Advice....

Thanks in Advance.
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Re: LIS and stapled hemorrhoidopexy together?

Postby chachacha » 07 Mar 2018, 00:06

There are some studies that indicate that a hemorrhoidectomy is easier to recover from is LIS is performed as well. Has your doctor done both procedures together before? And if so, have the results all been good?

I had LIS done 3 years ago, and a full scalpel (not stapled) hemorrhoidectomy done at the end of last year (I had three massive internals excised and some external tags taken off too). I believe that my recovery was easier because my sphincter had already been cut, so maybe your pain after a double procedure might not be that bad either. This is definitely something for your doctor to answer though, so please ask him.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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Re: LIS and stapled hemorrhoidopexy together?

Postby sitibu » 14 Aug 2018, 02:34

I noticed that leakage problem after LIS is under reported and surgeon most of the times did not inform patient on the risks.

I hope this forum can raise more awareness to avoid ppl go through this unnecessary surgery if possible.

If you have done LIS before

1. Please state number of years of your surgery
2. Do you have leakage problem?
3. When the leakage get started?
3. If yes, how does the leakage problem happened? is it after pass motion?
4. When the leakage happened, are you aware? or you do no know until you find out during next toilet visit?
5. How frequent the leakage? Daily? or intermittent depending on the stool
6. If you dont mind, please state your age, sex, married, any child birth delivery
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