LIS+Fissurectomy done 16 days ago...Still in pain!

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LIS+Fissurectomy done 16 days ago...Still in pain!

Postby ap093 » 04 Aug 2019, 19:21

Hello guys, had LIS+Fissurectomy for my CAF done exactly 16 days ago. Recovery hasn't been easy at all until now, I would say it's been pretty rough. I am now on a situation where the pain during defecation (even with large stools) is much much more bearable than pre OP (but still hasn't gone, ugh!) but the spasm are still as bad as they were pre OP. They arrive 5-10 minutes after defecation and basically last forever, leaving me in pain all day long. How is still even normal after LIS+Fissurectomy? Honestly this situation is just so draining, I feel like I can't take it anymore. Got my fissure last January and until now it's been no-life at all for me. I was hoping my fissure would have gone by now, but still no love for me. Visited my surgeon last week just to be told: "Still spams? Well, you're much looser than before!" - after some examination with his finger which hurt like fucking hell (I guess due to the surgical wounds still opened).
What would you guys do if you were me? I'm 16 days post OP and while the pain DURING defecation got decently better, the spams the come after are pretty much a warranty that my surgery (the LIS part at least) was a failure. I'm no surgeon, but doing some math if the cut of sphincter was long enough I wouldn't be finding myself still having such spasms now. We managed to get to the moon, but still we can't properly deal with a damn small cut inside the anus the proper way. I truly feel hopeless as of right now, this is the most depressing thing I have experienced in my 25 years of life. Starting to doubt I'll ever get out of this nightmare.
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Re: LIS+Fissurectomy done 16 days ago...Still in pain!

Postby Tatie » 08 Aug 2019, 07:19


How are you doing now ?...have your spasms dissipated? I am sorry that you are having pain post-LIS like this?!? Sending you healing vibes.
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Re: LIS+Fissurectomy done 16 days ago...Still in pain!

Postby ap093 » 11 Aug 2019, 14:42

Hello Tatie, appretto fissurectomies are much more harsh than just having the LIS itsel. I have read about people who needed time like 10 weeks before starting to feeling back normal, poor me! Is there someone on here who’s got the sam procedures I went through? Would be very helpful if you guys could manifest yourself! Thank you!
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Re: LIS+Fissurectomy done 16 days ago...Still in pain!

Postby Tatie » 11 Aug 2019, 15:24


I have heard that a fissurectomy is brutal ! Recovery takes more time than a LIS...I hope some people on this board who have underwent the same procedures can offer you some advice.
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