After having a failed fissurectomy and dilation, I met with a new CRS yesterday, who is the top guy in this area.
After taking a new complete history and performing an exam he asked me if I wanted Botox or LIS. I asked for his professional opinion and he said in the UK (where he trained and is from originally) Botox is he go to treatment, but that both basically achieve the same result. Only drawback is that here (Ontario, Canada) Botox isn’t covered by our provincial health insurance so price could be an issue. I just called my insurance company and it sounds like with preauthorization it will be 100% covered.
No one I had seen mentioned Botox as a possibility before now so I haven’t read up on it. I just searched it and it gave me an overwhelming 1140 pages of results. I am supposed to call back today or tomorrow and let them know what to book. 1200 pgs of posts is a lot of research to do in a day so I thought maybe I would ask.