Hi all! I'm completely new to this forum and actually new to posting online! I normally read what others say and make up my mind but this time I need advice.
I've head a fissure for over a month. Tried all the tested and guaranteed treatments, did Rectiv, the other ointment and also some steroid foam. Tried Aloe, coconut oil suppositories, witch hazel, sitz baths,... Went to proctologist twice. Nothing helped.
Last week the spasms stopped lasting for 6 hours which I thought meant improvement however I developed 2 skin tags that are swollen and feel like they will burst and I still have blood during BM and pain but again the pain is a tad less dramatic. I do feel burning for hours after BM but if I lay right it's ok. Before I couldn't find a comfortable position after BM so I think the spasm is gone or not as bad but I really don't know. I think the tags are swollen because i must be very tight all the time.
My doctor suggested surgery. He prefers LIS and I opted for Botox with fissurectomy. It was scheduled for the upcoming Tuesday but I cancelled it after reading about it and also because of the spasm improvement.
I don't know what to do. Should I wait a little longer? How do I relieve the swelling? I tried ice but it didn't help. I had a hemorrhoid surgery 12 years ago (using staples) and my doctor thinks they made it a little tight there.
I work from home but can't sit for more than 15 minutes. I don't go anywhere anymore because the tags are so uncomfortable and painful. Is the surgery a good idea and which one would be the preferred one? I'm so frustrated, exhausted and just done. I want my old life back (the one I was not very happy with because I didn't know how nice it is to not have an AF!!! I feel like I got this because I was ungrateful for having a pretty normal boring average cozy life!!!) I was also diagnosed with Grave's disease 2 weeks prior to developing a fissure which was a huge shock to me. Somehow it feels like it's related. Please comment. I will welcome any opinion. Thank you