I noticed that leakage problem after LIS is under reported and surgeon sometimes did not inform patient on the risks.
To me, soiling or leakage is consider incontenence -> Especially not in early days but many years
down the road, when aged and the muscle get weaker. You certainly don't want to live in a condition that you need to keep wiping your anal or you need to wear pads, this is affecting social/quality of life.
If you have done LIS before
1. Please state number of years of your surgery
2. Do you have leakage problem after surgery?
3. Do you have leakage problem prior to surgery?
4. When the leakage get started? does it stop? or it come back after certain years?
5. If yes, how does the leakage problem happened? is it after pass motion?
6. When the leakage happened, are you aware? or you do no know until you find out during next toilet visit?
7. How frequent the leakage? Daily? or intermittent depending on the stool
8. When the leakage happened - was it stool hard, soft or liquid?
9. If you don't mind, please state your age, sex, married, any child birth delivery (prior or after surgery)
Let's record this to benefits others. If you do not have the problem now, do come back and update us. let keep this as a statistics, who knows 10, 20 or 30 years someone will need to see this.