Well I am so stressed about deciding whether or not to go for this. I started bleeding again 2 days ago (haven't for months) but am actually not in that much pain. Skin tag is quite swollen though. I think this flare up was caused by the Doc spreading things to look as I was doing better before. But why am I not in that much pain then? Does this mean my internal sphincter isn't too tight then and I shouldn't cut it?
I was also wondering if those of you who have had LIS find their skin is more loose down there, like more skin tags or hemmies show up after. I had loose skin from botox and it kind of chaffed when walking around. And that was a small amount of botox.
Does LIS weaken the whole sphincter or mainly just that lower end?
How long does it take to get tone back in the muscle after it being cut?
How long does it take before you know what is air, liquid and solid?