LIS & Rectal Bleeding Info for Women

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LIS & Rectal Bleeding Info for Women

Postby Busymomof4 » 11 Dec 2013, 10:26

Hi! I posted here a few years ago under "BusyMom" but it wouldn't allow me to log in under that name. can read my whole story there.

I had LIS a number of years ago at age 40. It worked like a charm! I would highly recommend it. The only downside was that years later, I was still having recurring bouts of urgent diarrhea, rectal bleeding and cramping. But not the severe pain that my multiple fissures were creating, so that was good. Anyway, about a year ago, my ob/gyn suggested that I try the Mirena IUD since my bowel flare-ups seemed to coincide with my cycle. I thought I would give it a try. It has made a huge positive difference! No more urgent diarrhea, no more rectal bleeding episodes, smaller/lighter periods, reduced cramping. Anyway, she said that "offline" the Mirena is being used to treat bowel endometriosis, which can cause a lot of symptoms that somewhat mimic Crohn's/Colitis. My GI/CRS is super impressed with the results as well and is amazed at how differently I feel. Just thought I would share what has worked for me and hope that it works for someone else! :D
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